UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis. June 15th, 2024 CNA. Download PDF (2024)

15 June 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 RelatedB. GS 2 RelatedSOCIAL JUSTICE1. NEET scamINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS1. In Burgenstock, leaders seek a peace framework for Ukraine, without RussiaC. GS 3 RelatedD. GS 4 RelatedE. EditorialsINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS1. One more chanceECONOMY1. India growth story has a ‘beneficial ownership’ hurdleF. Prelims Facts1. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits take part in Kheer Bhawani temple festival2. Residents oppose allotment of flat under CM scheme to a Muslim woman in Gujarat3. Manipur Naga body prescribes social boycott of MP-elect4. G-7 leaders say they will back Ukraine ‘as long as it takes’G. TidbitsH. UPSC Prelims Practice QuestionsI. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis. June 15th, 2024 CNA. Download PDF (1)

UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis. June 15th, 2024 CNA. Download PDF (5)

A. GS 1 Related

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B. GS 2 Related


1. NEET scam

Syllabus: Issues related to the development and management of the social sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources

Mains: NEET scam 2024

Context​: The Supreme Court of India has asked the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the government to respond to pleas seeking an investigation into allegations of question paper leaks and discrepancies in the NEET-UG 2024 exam.


  • NEET-UG Examination: A highly competitive entrance test for undergraduate medical courses in India.
  • Allegations: Claims of question paper leaks, discrepancies in scoring, and irregularities in the conduct of the exam have led to public outcry and legal petitions.

Supreme Court Directive

  • Vacation Bench Order: Justices Vikram Nath and Sandeep Mehta have issued notices to the NTA and the Centre, demanding a response to the allegations.
  • Petitioner Demands: Petitioners, including advocate Charu Mathur and representatives from the Indian Medical Association Junior Doctors Network, have called for a CBI investigation into the “record number of students scoring perfect scores”.

Specific Allegations

  • Scorecard Discrepancies: Variances between marks on scorecards and OMR sheets.
  • Inflated Cut-offs: Unprecedented increase in cut-off marks and average scores, with 67 candidates scoring a perfect 720/720.
  • Geographic Concentration: Six toppers from the same exam centre in Haryana, raising suspicions.
  • Statistical Anomalies: High scores of 718 and 719 marks viewed as statistically questionable.
  • Lack of Transparency: Absence of clarity on the criteria for awarding compensatory marks.


Examination Integrity

  • Trust in NEET-UG: Allegations of malpractice undermine the credibility of the examination system.
  • Legal and Ethical Concerns: Potential legal battles and ethical issues surrounding the fairness of the exam.

Institutional Response

  • NTA’s Re-test Decision: A re-test has been announced for 1,563 candidates, but broader concerns remain unaddressed.
  • Government Accountability: The role of government and educational authorities in ensuring transparency and fairness.

Student Protests

  • Demand for Transparency: Students and parents are demanding a full investigation and a retest for all affected candidates.
  • Impact on Counselling: Calls to halt the counselling process until the investigation concludes to prevent unfair advantage to those involved in malpractice.


Comprehensive Investigation

  • CBI Probe: A thorough investigation by the CBI or a committee chaired by a retired judge to ensure an impartial and detailed inquiry.
  • Transparency Measures: Implementation of measures to enhance transparency, such as clear disclosure of evaluation criteria and real-time verification of OMR sheets by invigilators.

Institutional Reforms

  • NTA Accountability: Strengthening the accountability mechanisms within the NTA to prevent future lapses.
  • Enhanced Security: Improving security measures to prevent question paper leaks and other forms of malpractice.

Student Support

  • Fair Retesting: Conducting a fair and comprehensive retest for all affected candidates.
  • Counselling Process: Ensuring that the counselling process is delayed until all allegations are thoroughly investigated and resolved.

Nut Graf: The allegations of discrepancies and malpractice in the NEET-UG 2024 exam have raised serious concerns about the integrity of the examination process. The Supreme Court’s directive for a response from the NTA and the government is a crucial step towards addressing these issues. A thorough investigation and subsequent reforms are essential to restore trust in the system and ensure that future examinations are conducted with the highest standards of fairness and transparency.


1. In Burgenstock, leaders seek a peace framework for Ukraine, without Russia

Syllabus: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s Interests

Mains: Russia-Ukraine war

Context​: A significant peace summit for Ukraine is set to take place in Burgenstock, Switzerland, on June 15-16. This summit aims to create a framework for a future peace process in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. However, the notable absence of key stakeholders, particularly Russia, raises questions about the effectiveness and neutrality of this initiative.

Background of the Burgenstock Summit

  • Location and History: Burgenstock is a luxurious resort in the Swiss Alps with a history of hosting notable figures and diplomatic events.
  • Summit Details: The summit will see the attendance of 90 countries and international organizations, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and European leaders.

Key Absences

  • Russia: President Vladimir Putin has not been invited.
  • United States: President Joe Biden will not attend; Vice-President Kamala Harris and NSA Jake Sullivan will represent the U.S.
  • China and Brazil: Both countries have chosen to stay away, impacting the summit’s global representation.

Challenges and Criticisms

  • Effectiveness Without Russia: The absence of Russia raises doubts about the sustainability and effectiveness of any peace framework developed.
  • Swiss Neutrality: Switzerland’s traditional stance of neutrality is questioned due to its alignment with EU sanctions against Russia.
  • India’s Stance: India, a strategic partner of Russia, has opted for lower-level representation, indicating the complexities in its diplomatic balancing act.


Lack of Comprehensive Dialogue

  • Absence of Key Players: The absence of Russia, a primary party in the conflict, undermines the potential for a balanced and effective dialogue.
  • Neutrality Questions: Switzerland’s perceived partiality due to sanctions against Russia may affect its role as a neutral mediator.

Political Implications

  • Internal Political Dynamics: Domestic politics in attending countries, especially Ukraine and its supporters, influence the summit’s agenda and outcomes.
  • International Relations: The summit’s outcomes may affect diplomatic relations and geopolitical alignments, particularly concerning the involvement or exclusion of major powers.


Potential for Peace Framework

  • Dialogue Platform: The summit provides a platform for discussion and potential formulation of a peace framework, even in the absence of key parties.
  • European Stability: Efforts to establish peace in Ukraine are crucial for the stability and security of Europe.

Diplomatic Engagement

  • Swiss Diplomacy: The summit highlights Switzerland’s role in international peace efforts, despite the challenges to its neutrality.
  • Global Diplomacy: The participation of a diverse range of countries and organizations underscores the global interest in resolving the Ukraine conflict.


Inclusive Dialogue

  • Engagement of All Parties: Future peace efforts must strive to include all relevant parties, including Russia, to ensure comprehensive and sustainable solutions.
  • Neutral Mediation: Reinforcing the role of truly neutral mediators can help facilitate more balanced negotiations.

Addressing Political Realities

  • Acknowledging Ground Realities: The summit and subsequent efforts must consider the on-ground realities and the positions of all stakeholders to devise practical solutions.
  • Leveraging International Organizations: Organizations like the UN and OSCE can play a crucial role in mediating and implementing peace agreements.

Nut Graf: The Burgenstock summit represents a significant but complex step towards establishing a peace framework for Ukraine. While the absence of key players like Russia poses a challenge, the efforts to foster dialogue and explore potential solutions are crucial. Moving forward, ensuring inclusive and neutral mediation will be essential to achieving lasting peace in the region.

C. GS 3 Related

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D. GS 4 Related

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E. Editorials


1. One more chance

Syllabus: GS-2, Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests.

Mains: Conflict between Israel and Hamas

Context:​ The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has reached a critical juncture with President Joe Biden’s three-phase ceasefire plan gaining support from the UN Security Council (UNSC). This proposal, if accepted, could pave the way for a sustainable peace process and reconstruction of Gaza. However, both Israel and Hamas face significant internal and external pressures that complicate the acceptance and implementation of the ceasefire.


  • Current Situation: The conflict, which reignited on October 7, 2023, has resulted in substantial loss of life and displacement, with at least 37,000 Palestinians killed and 2.3 million displaced.
  • Previous UNSC Call: A similar ceasefire call by the UNSC in March was ignored by Israel, highlighting the challenges in reaching an agreement.

The Biden Ceasefire Plan

  • Phase 1: Six-week ceasefire, Israeli troop withdrawal from populated areas, increased aid to Gaza, and prisoner exchange (33 hostages for Palestinian prisoners).
  • Phase 2: Remaining hostages released by Hamas, Israel’s full withdrawal from Gaza.
  • Phase 3: Reconstruction of Gaza.


Israeli Internal Politics

  • Netanyahu’s Position: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political instability, exacerbated by the exit of Benny Gantz from the unity government, has left him reliant on far-right allies who oppose the ceasefire.
  • Political Survival vs. National Interest: Netanyahu must balance the national interest of peace with his political survival, given the threat from far-right coalition partners.

Hamas’ Stance

  • Demands: Immediate Israeli withdrawal from Rafah, freedom in choosing prisoners to be released, and guarantees from China, Russia, and Türkiye.
  • Concessions: Hamas shows little interest in concessions, complicating negotiations.


For Israel

  • International Isolation: Continued conflict risks turning Israel into an internationally isolated state.
  • Humanitarian Concerns: Ongoing war has severe humanitarian impacts, damaging Israel’s international standing.

For Gaza

  • Humanitarian Relief: Ceasefire would allow for much-needed humanitarian aid and reconstruction efforts.
  • Hostage Situation: Resolving the hostage crisis is crucial for reducing tensions and enabling peace.


For Israel

  • Political Compromise: Netanyahu needs to prioritize national interest over political survival, possibly negotiating with the opposition for broader support.
  • Clear Endorsem*nt: Public endorsem*nt of the Biden plan to demonstrate commitment to peace.

For Hamas

  • Negotiation Flexibility: Willingness to compromise on demands, particularly regarding prisoner selection and third-party guarantees.
  • International Mediation: Engage constructively with international mediators to ensure a balanced agreement.

For the International Community

  • Support Mechanisms: Provide guarantees and support to ensure compliance and build trust between parties.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: Establish a robust mechanism to monitor and enforce the ceasefire agreement.

Nut Graf: The Biden ceasefire plan offers a structured approach to end the conflict and begin the reconstruction of Gaza. Both Israel and Hamas need to make significant concessions and prioritize long-term peace over short-term gains. The international community must support and facilitate this process to ensure a sustainable resolution to the conflict. Failure to do so risks further humanitarian catastrophe and prolonged isolation for Israel.

Category: ECONOMY

1. India growth story has a ‘beneficial ownership’ hurdle

Syllabus: GS-3, Foreign investments, trade and exports

Mains: Significance of foreign investments in India’s aspiration to become a $5 trillion economy by the financial year 2025-26

Context:​ India’s aspiration to become a $5 trillion economy by the financial year 2025-26 heavily relies on foreign investments. However, regulatory bottlenecks, particularly the ambiguity surrounding ‘beneficial ownership,’ pose significant challenges.

Amendment Conundrum

  • Press Note 3 of 2020: The amendment to the Indian Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 (FEMA NDI), introduced a requirement for prior government approval for investments from countries sharing land borders with India or where the beneficial owner is situated or a citizen of these countries.
  • Objective: The amendment aimed to prevent opportunistic takeovers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Issue: The term ‘beneficial owner’ remains undefined, leading to regulatory uncertainty and conservative interpretations by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Regulatory Challenges

  • RBI Notices: Foreign Owned or Controlled Companies (FOCCs) have received notices regarding downstream investments, indicating that they are subject to the same restrictions as non-residents.
  • Legal Ambiguity: Lack of clear guidelines on beneficial ownership has resulted in varying interpretations and increased legal risks for companies and investors.

Approval Process Hurdles

  • Time-Consuming and High Rejection Rates: The process for obtaining government approval is lengthy and has a high rejection rate, with proposals worth ₹50,000 crore pending, withdrawn, or rejected in recent years.
  • Compliance Burden: The responsibility of compliance falls on Indian companies, with severe penalties for non-compliance, which can jeopardize their financial stability.

Issues and Solutions

Indemnity Challenge

  • Foreign Investor Indemnities: Indian companies might seek indemnities from foreign investors to ensure compliance, but this could deter investment.
  • Solution: Amend the PN3 Requirement to provide a comprehensive definition of ‘beneficial owner,’ including ownership thresholds and control tests.

Defining Beneficial Owners

  • Ownership Thresholds: Establish precise thresholds for beneficial ownership, possibly between 10% and 25%, depending on the sector’s sensitivity.
  • Control-Conferring Rights: Define rights that confer control, such as veto powers over significant operational decisions, while excluding investor protection rights.

Consultation Mechanism

  • Ambiguity Mitigation: Introduce a time-bound consultation mechanism with regulatory authorities to clarify control-conferring rights and reduce ambiguity.


  • Investment Climate: Clearer regulations will enhance the attractiveness of the Indian market for foreign investors, crucial for achieving the $5 trillion economy goal.
  • Startup Ecosystem: Reduced regulatory uncertainty will benefit startups and smaller enterprises, enabling them to secure necessary investments.
  • Economic Growth: Streamlined foreign investment processes will contribute to overall economic growth and development.

Nut Graf: Addressing the ‘beneficial ownership’ hurdle through clear definitions, streamlined processes, and regulatory clarity is vital for attracting foreign investments. Such reforms will not only support India’s economic aspirations but also strengthen its position as a global investment destination.

F. Prelims Facts

1. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits take part in Kheer Bhawani temple festival

Context: The Kheer Bhawani temple festival, an annual religious event for Kashmiri Pandits, witnessed a significant gathering this year in Ganderbal district of Kashmir Valley. This festival, celebrated on Zyestha Ashtami, attracted thousands of devotees, including many who had migrated during the 1990s due to militancy. The event was marked by a harmonious display of Kashmiriyat, with local Muslims also participating.

Background and Context

  • Historical Significance: The Kheer Bhawani temple, located amid chinar trees and featuring a natural spring, holds immense religious significance for Kashmiri Pandits. The festival has been celebrated for centuries.
  • Current Scenario: This year’s festival saw the participation of over 30,000 devotees, including many who had left the Valley due to past conflicts. Enhanced security measures were in place following a recent militant attack on pilgrims in Reasi’s Katra area.

Participation and Activities

  • Devotees’ Involvement: Devotees from across the country, including many who now reside outside Kashmir, returned to participate in the festival, praying for peace and the return of Pandits to the Valley.
  • Muslim Participation: Local Muslims also joined the festivities, setting up stalls and selling puja paraphernalia, symbolizing communal harmony and the spirit of Kashmiriyat.

Significance of the Festival

  • Religious Importance: The temple and its spring are considered auspicious, and the festival is a vital religious observance for the Pandit community.
  • Symbol of Hope: The clear and transparent water in the temple spring is seen as a good omen, fostering hope for peace and the eventual return of Kashmiri Pandits to their ancestral homes.


Security Concerns

  • Recent Attacks: The recent militant attack on pilgrims highlights ongoing security challenges in the region, necessitating stringent measures during large gatherings.
  • Return of Pandits: The safe and dignified return of Kashmiri Pandits remains a critical issue, requiring sustained efforts for rehabilitation and reintegration.

Communal Harmony

  • Kashmiriyat: The participation of local Muslims underscores the enduring spirit of Kashmiriyat, though communal harmony needs continuous nurturing amid political and social challenges.
  • Political Support: Statements and visits by political leaders emphasize the broader support for peace and the return of displaced communities.

2. Residents oppose allotment of flat under CM scheme to a Muslim woman in Gujarat

Context: A recent controversy in Vadodara, Gujarat, has emerged over the allotment of a flat to a Muslim woman under the state government’s Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana. Residents of the housing scheme have protested the decision, arguing that the locality is intended “only for Hindus,” which highlights the deep-seated issue of housing segregation in the state.

Background and Context

  • Housing Scheme: The flat in question is part of Motnath Residency, a housing project built by the Vadodara Municipal Corporation under the Gujarat government’s Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana, intended for lower-income groups.
  • Allotment Process: The allotment was done through a lottery system. The Muslim woman, who was allotted the flat six years ago, has faced continuous opposition from other residents.

Protest Details

  • Resident Protests: Residents argue that the housing complex is meant exclusively for Hindus, and they have threatened to escalate their protests to Gandhinagar and Delhi if the allotment is not cancelled.
  • Legal Backdrop: Protesters cite the Disturbed Areas Act, which they claim prohibits the sale of property between different religious communities without approval from the District Collector.

Official Response

  • Municipal Commissioner’s Statement: Dilip Rana, the Municipal Commissioner, stated that the situation is under review and a decision will be taken after examining all relevant documents to determine if the complex falls under the Disturbed Areas Act.
  • Resident Concerns: The residents believe the allotment violates the Act and could disturb the communal harmony they perceive in their area.


Housing Segregation

  • Segregation Practices: This incident underscores the near-complete housing segregation in Gujarat, where Muslims often face difficulty in leasing or purchasing homes in predominantly Hindu areas.
  • Disturbed Areas Act: While intended to prevent distress sales in communally sensitive areas, the Act is often cited in ways that reinforce segregation.

Social Tensions

  • Communal Harmony: The protests reflect underlying social tensions and the challenges of fostering communal harmony in diverse societies.
  • Discrimination: The opposition to the allotment based on religion points to broader issues of discrimination and exclusion faced by minority communities.

3. Manipur Naga body prescribes social boycott of MP-elect

Context: The United Naga Council (UNC), the apex body of Nagas in Manipur, has prescribed a seven-year social boycott of Congress MP-elect Alfred Kanngam S. Arthur and two other Independent candidates. This action is a response to their defiance of the UNC’s pre-poll appeal to support a consensus candidate in the Outer Manipur constituency.

Context and Background

  • Election Results: Alfred Kanngam S. Arthur of the Congress won the Outer Manipur seat, defeating Kachui Timothy Zimik of the Naga People’s Front (NPF) by 85,418 votes. Independent candidates S. Kho John and Allyson Abonmai finished third and fourth, respectively.
  • Pre-Poll Appeal: The UNC had appealed to support Mr. Zimik as the consensus candidate representing the Naga tribes of Manipur.

UNC’s Decision

  • Social Boycott: The UNC has decided to impose a seven-year social boycott on Mr. Arthur, Mr. John, and Mr. Abonmai. This includes debarring them from public platforms and leadership positions within the Naga society.
  • Reasons for Boycott: The trio is accused of defying the UNC’s position and challenging the unity of the Naga people by contesting the election against the consensus candidate.

Public Notification

  • Directive: The UNC has instructed its constituent units and the Naga populace to enforce the resolution within their respective jurisdictions.
  • Official Statement: The notification, signed by H. James Hau, the information and publicity secretary of the UNC, formalizes the boycott.


Internal Divisions

  • Fragmentation: The UNC’s decision highlights internal divisions within the Naga community, with different factions supporting different candidates.
  • Unity and Representation: The boycott raises questions about the representation and unity of the Naga tribes, especially when pre-poll agreements are not honoured by all parties.

Democratic Principles

  • Right to Contest: The action by the UNC can be seen as undermining democratic principles, where every individual has the right to contest elections.
  • Freedom of Choice: The boycott may infringe on the freedom of choice for both candidates and voters within the Naga community.

4. G-7 leaders say they will back Ukraine ‘as long as it takes’

Context: The G-7 leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to support Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia, promising continued financial and military aid. This declaration was made during a summit in Fasano, Italy, where a new $50 billion loan for Ukraine was agreed upon. This aid aims to bolster Ukraine’s military efforts and reconstruction initiatives.

Key Details of the G-7 Commitment

  • Loan Agreement: The G-7 leaders agreed on a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, underscoring their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  • Funding Mechanism: The loan will be backed by revenues from the immobilization of Russian sovereign assets held in the EU and other jurisdictions.
  • Disbursem*nt Channels: Funds will be directed to Ukraine’s military, budget, and reconstruction needs, adhering to respective legal and administrative frameworks.

Context and Background

  • Invasion of Ukraine: The financial support follows Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which has led to ongoing conflict and significant geopolitical tensions.
  • Western Sanctions on Russia: Western powers have frozen Russian central bank assets, using accrued interest to fund Ukraine’s loan.
  • Ukraine’s Struggle: Ukraine continues to fight for its freedom and requires substantial aid for military defense and post-war reconstruction.


Financial and Legal Challenges

  • Asset Utilization: Legal and administrative hurdles in utilizing immobilized Russian assets for loan repayment.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring long-term financial support without compromising the economic stability of the supporting nations.

Political and Diplomatic Implications

  • Russia’s Reaction: The move could provoke further hostility from Russia and complicate diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire.
  • Global Diplomacy: Balancing support for Ukraine with global diplomatic relations, especially with non-G7 countries.

G. Tidbits

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H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements about the National Testing Agency:
  1. It is an autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization.
  2. It conducts entrance examinations for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India.
  3. It is chaired by an eminent educationist appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development.

How many of these statements is/are incorrect?

  1. One only
  2. ⁠Two only
  3. All three
  4. ⁠None of the above

Answer: d

Explanation: All three statements are correct.

Q2. Consider the following statements about the Kheer Bhawani temple recently seen in the news:
  1. Kheer Bhawani temple is located in Tulmulla in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal.
  2. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Ragnya Devi.
  3. It is well known for the Zyeshth Ashtami annual celebrations.

How many of these statements is/are correct?

  1. One only
  2. ⁠Two only
  3. All three
  4. ⁠None of the above

Answer: c

Explanation: All three statements are correct.

Q3. PN3 Requirement often seen in the news is associated with:
  1. Foreign Direct Investment
  2. ⁠Stock Market Trading
  3. Wastewater Management
  4. ⁠Rainwater Harvesting

Answer: a

Explanation: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Union government amended the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy through a Press Note 3 (PN3) Requirement – to check opportunistic acquisitions of stressed Indian companies.

Q4. Consider the following statements about the G7:
  1. It is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies.
  2. Russia was expelled as a member of the grouping in 2014 following its annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: c

Explanation: Both the statements are correct. G7 is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies—France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and Canada.

Q5. The Balfour Declaration often seen in the news can be associated with:
  1. Armenia Azerbaijan Conflict
  2. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  3. Russia – Ukraine War
  4. Afghanistan Crisis

Answer: b

Explanation: The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour expressing British support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  1. Discuss the role of the G7 summit in addressing global challenges and promoting regional cooperation. (15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, International Relations]
  2. Discuss US President Joe Biden’s 3 phase ceasefire plan for Gaza and explain the challenges in implementing it. (10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, International Relations]

Read previous CNA articles here.

UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis. June 15th, 2024 CNA. Download PDF (2024)


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