The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

THE BOSTOV GLOBE-S ATTHRDA Y. SEPTEMBER 21. 1907. AMUsem*nTS AMUsem*nTS NEARLY WED AT PISTOL POINT Continued From Hie Flrnt Page. fat la not removed.

These higher grades are eupposcd to represent tho nearest approach to ordinary milk which can bo purchased In a powder form. It Is claimed for the substitute that the nowder will keep Indefinitely Te MRS BESANT IN BOSTON GLOBE LATEST! 7:30 O'CLOCK want to marry him! would ahoot me if I lle swore he I gardless of weather conditions, and did not come I bakers In several cities have found It a verv convenient nrtlcle to keen on here" I rr rn lit 19 GOOD-BYE LAST TIMES MATINEE TODAY FASCINATING FLORA With ADELE RITCHIE And Kntlre Niw York Caalno Company and Chorus of 76. verv inns- rifinci in i-ltse in a. ininnntr 111 1111:11 A I "MORE DEMOCRACY- MORE CONSCIENCE, IS THE NEED." Contlnned From the First Puppr. oblivion did not die for Inck of wealth, for many of them wtro richer when they fell than ever before, but they ceased to exist for lack of men.

They died for lack of morals, not for want of material wealth, but for lark of moral wealth. The many had no rights; the few had all. Vice followed; then decay. The perpetuity of thin government rests not on the great wealth of the few, but upon the morality and Integrity of the average Individual. Liberty Under Law it a Right.

House Opens Seata Reserved On Male One Week mm vance. Phone Orders "The Bill Ilonntlfni House Henotlfai'. "Raster" Gnhrlel Bn- Iseladisf r.r,rKl. A' ter's" beg, in "Auntie, MS. Kell.

of cular lan; he seised Blssell and 'milk supply or the sourlnK of what milk be him fast while Miss Crouse fled to they have. Even In I oston at the her parents. The baffled Blssell again present time Is claimed that in pursued her. but vainly. Singularly many of the bakeries a 26-pound keg of enough Blssell was not arrested, al- the powder may be seen for emergency though 'he wa In a policeman's hands, i purposes.

Theosophist Talks President Mi, i'. iy vears old. Is the (laugh- Will Raise Price to Seven Cents. ter of Bev Dr N. P.

Grouse, pastor of I the First Presbyterian church. 8tan- 1 SHOOT GLASS TOLSTOI'S HOME PEASANTS ODTOF Next Week selling hope, J. mason, a years oiu, is a. Cleeret Liberty as a right of the Individual. Xed Waylinrn'K li, tHo IM.

Says He Solved His Problem in Other Incarnations, BALDWINRVILLE. Sept 21-Oeorge S. Stone, who Is practically the only milk dealer In the village of Otter River, will raise his price of milk Oct 1 from six cents to seven. He clalrrn the price of eight cents, to which flu Baldwlnsvlllo dealers will advance. Is too much, that five cents is a fair price to the producer and that It can be distributed for two cents at a good profit.

BLANCHE BATES DAVID 8ELASC0 Present student at the state normal scnooi, Trenton. His home Is In Stanhope; his parents nre pillars of Dr Crouse'n church. There young Blssell has sung In the choir and taught in Sunday school. He has courted Mlsa Belle, but her careful father hear! rumors that young Blssell was leading rather a wild lifo In Trenton, Investigating theae reports, Dr Crouse learned enough to convince lilm that they were iru--. So, last Monday, her father told Miss Belle enough In Hit California Drama Tho Most Novel Act Paal t'onrha "The Mllitarv Tim naSJ Belle Blanch Daintiest of IfUniej Union anil TmniMl, In a Musical Cowc-dletta Friend and IWoUgslIi Ralph ITiam a Boston's Kavorltc 'Cellist Mullen and Corel! Acrobatic Humorists And Others COMMERCIAL MATTERS.

Noted Woman is Guest of Dr Dutton. Girl of the Golden West Life of Russia's Grand Old Man Put in Danger by Neighbors. to lead her, willingly. 10 write to uisscu rHlr.AOO Sept "1-Whcat was rather 1 the board of trade today, though tlclpatlng that would be dismissed there was a confirmation of yester-qulckly, took Mirs B. lie to Ocean Grove, day's alarming news about the crop in Mats, Wad.

Sst. Price 60s to $2 AM. STAK CONCERT St'NDAT NIGHT. Mrs Annie Besant. president of the socletv arrived Where tuey put up ou nunc western Canada.

The Liverpool marsec i. Receiving his conge. n'irrin a hsolu tel Ignored the rise on this side In Boston today after attending the yrenmn to Stanhope, only to find of tne watt.r yesterday and for that convention of the American section at his sweetheart gone, her fathers par- reason local traders wer- in lined to HOLLIS St. THEATRE not a privilege, does not mean that each person may do as he pleases without limitation. The liberty that was guaranteed by the founder!" of this gov-criiiir'iit Ih lllert under the law.

when the sentiment of a minority anywheroj Is not In accord with the sentiment of the majority wlilek make the laws. It la the duty of the minority to acquiesce until It can secure a majority on Its side and cause the repeal of the law. In order that the Individual liberty of the majority to make laws may be effective those laws must be respected. "The greatest enemy to the liberty of the lac privilege the privilege of lawlessness, the privilege conferred by law ind the privilege of monopoly. There has been a great awakening of the public conscience, during the past few vears as to the privilege of lawlessness.

This public conscience goes marching on day by day correcting eome evil; day after day remedying anmo wrong. "There are some who see danger to our Institutions In the agitation resulting from the exposures of wrong-doing in official and business life. To my mind, the hope for the perpetuity of this government by the people was never brighter than now. This awakening ot the public conscience does not proceed from a spirit of discontent, but comes from the quickening of the moral of the average Individual. It Is simply a determination to stamp out the stains of dishonor In public life and the things that oppress In private life; a firm resolve that the government shall be representative of the liberty of the people, not of the privilege of special inleresta.

sonnge closed. lie easily learneo wnere takp profUs on recent purchases. Prices the frouses had gone and followed them jr0ppod about under the previous to Ocean Grove Thursday. Getting a Short covering carried the TREMONT KS Chicago, and was met at tne railroad station by a crowd of enthusiastic and ndmlrlngTheosophlsts. Mrs Besnnt, her White hair cut short, and dressed In a cab he drove hen-, there, everywnere.

i UD. The late dealings a nit fluai always peering from the window, in Quotations did not differ much from search of Miss Belle. He saw her alone Advanced those of last night. Corn wan e.isy in white and silver-colored gown, held a sort of reception after she had cached or reS or tor SO the home of her host. Dr Dutton, at Newbury St.

"There Is nn htttBStkM In the fact that Tlaa 1 "You must marry me ana at once. f()rrrlcr iost uac and the latter were he said excitedly. oown Mfic. fiom the finals of Friday. "I will not, retorted the girl.

Yoti were Uui narrow and ir-must leave me: you must leave here. leKulaP I will not see von again." For two hours Grain, Provisions and Live Stock. alwava rcbuftlnir him. she says, i nen, 'HI Tfflasssi I the twat Isasc fl. ltlih Proprietor anil Mnnager "A big rnrcpKM." "Frank Daniels la as funny a ever." "Songs enc-orecl again ami again." Olo6.

"Frank Danlcli at his best." "He ban had no funnier part." Trnntcript. MATINEE TODAY AT 2 TONIGHT AT 8 CHARI.KS DILI. INGHAM Presents FRANK DANIELS In ni NKW Comic Opera SUCCESS The Tattooed Man in a fury, she says, he whipped a re- Quotations were reported by the Bos volver from his pocket and threatened ton chamber of Commerce as follows: her CHICAGO a the EdU ion 4s Lans sj aadevflia Nothha SIM SO pyy) thn Wide, Wlds World. "As truly as there is a God In heaven. If you do not marry me at onco I will kill you and myself." Almost overcome by fear, the girl had wit enough to seek some way to escape.

She knows by reputation Rev C. M. Grlflln. pastor of the First Methodist church, Ashury Park, and said, tearfully: "If you must marry me, take me to Rev Mr Grlhin's parsonage." Bisseil called a cab, they drove to the parsonage. Ail the way.

-Miss Belle, snvs her desnerate wooer tapped the Arthur Prince, Orace Hazard, Four Lukens, Clifton Crawford. Pekin Zouaves, Italian Trio, E4 Blondell, Rawson and June, JVE Desbroches, Mile. Bianca, E. i Williams, New Pictures. BARGAIN MATINEES DAILY AT 2 "An opera that it comic.

New Jokes, new music, new songs. The rer; beat Boston has en." Journal. Wheat: Open 111k': tow Orwe Sept 07 MTjb .97 Dec I.IH',4 I.0M4 4t I. OIU J. 02 May 1.07A 1.0b'S 1.07 tj l.OSs 'orn Sept 03 .02 Pee t8H ...8 JSSfut Maw CilMi .69 Ontn: Kept (V4 .54 iee 63 Mai .54 .54 I'ork: Sept 14.85a Oct 14.85a Jim 16.32 IS.

32 15.22-20 15.22-25 Lard Sept 8.02 8.95 8.92 8.05".. Oct 8.97 9.00 8.95 8.37-3.00 Jan 8.07 8.07 8.62-05 s.05-to Kit: Sept 8.37n Oct 8.46 8.47 8.40 8.42 Jan 7.U7 7.97 7.02 7.92 tf -is revolver and repeated his threat of MATINEE TODAY 25 so THEATRE PARK Charles Frohman, Rich 4 Harris Lstseac snd nfanaoars LAST TWO TIMES Mr Roosevelt was born with his exceptional powers while some other poor creature wn? born with only half hie wits." raid Mrs Besnnt. "Mr Roosevelt has worked out his r-roblem In other Incarnations. He has attained his present political state in other rorrns of lifo. 1 think the great 'orce he has gained In this life will materially aid him In future Incarnations In reaching the state of perfection to which all are aiming.

"Theosophy alone explains the JuStlci of life. Without It I do not see how you can state whv a musical genius like Mo-xart. was wonderfully great at 9 years of age. We say that at 3 In this Incarnation he was equipped with the power he gained In other states. This.

too. explains the supremacy of all men in all endeavors." Asked if she was wearied bv her trip from Chicago. Mrs Besnnt "I O. dear no. I am ready for work at once.

I have recently been elected president of our society, you know, and I am making great plans. I have alraedv visited France. Germany and Kncland. Next year I go to Holland, S-andlmvIa and Italy, and the year following to India. My visit has special misslonl want to see various countries where my work is being carried on." Asked if she apprved of President Roosevelt's Ideas of race suicide, she snin: "yes.

I do. I think it is a fatal mistake to restrict the output of humanity to any great extent. I still adhere to my views, however, regarding the poorer classes. I think there should be a restriction of population among the poorer classes for economic and educational rensns." She sa'd she nnprved of large families among the wealthy. When asked If the soul of Mme Bla-vatsky had been transferred to her.

Mrs Pesarit said that It had. but she smil-inttlv declined to say with whom she had' associated In her past existences. "Do von believe In Mrs Mary Baker G. Eddy?" "I met Mrs Eddy once," said Mrs Pesant. "I believe In her.

Inasmuch as she Is using thought transmission. But JULES MURRY'S PLAY OF COLLECE LIFE Bv'a S. Mill. Today and Weil. 2.

'Caught In the Rain' Scatters Sunshine." Herald. Charles Frohman Presents Result of Quicker Moral Sense. The great combinations of capital that have grown up In the past few years require stricter rules of regulation as to their conduct than were needed In years gone by In relation to individual action. In exposing and prosecuting the wrong doing of these aggregations of wenlth the liberty of the average Individual is being protected. "The attack on corporate wrongdoing is not an assault on legitimate industry.

The man who would retard legitimate Industrial development is as much a public enemy as he who would crush the people beneath the heel of monopoly. No or corporation doing on honest business need fear the arousing of the conscience of the people against wrongdoing. Those whose business methods will not stand the light of publicity have no right to complain. If they persist In wrongdoing and are hurt, they are not Injured by the people, but by the wrong which they do. "I do not believe there Is any enmity anvwhere in this country to legitimate Industry.

It is not railroads nor insurance companies the peopl" complain of, but the breaches of trust on the part of those running railroads and Insurance companies. While some railroad men and some Insurance men or crooked, Just as some public officials are crooked, it does not follow that all railroad men or all Insurance men or all public officials are without honor. CASH It A BEETS Wheat No. 2 red winter No. 3 red winter Ufl-J)7Vc.

No. 1 northern spring SI. (Kir. l.o. No.

2 northern spring No. spring P7rS1.0T. Corn No. 2 No.

2 white S2' No. 2 yellow No. 3 No. 3 vcllovv 64QMU. lots No.

white r.orccr2c. No. 4 whit- Mt, LIVKRrOOI, CollieR AT YALE murder and suicide. They stood before the clergyman; the affrighted girl told him her parents' name, her own. her age; then shrieking, rushed to him and claimed his protection.

Blssell mude as If to seize her. Rev Mr Griffin, big and strong, threw his arms around Blssell, and. despite his struggles, held him, saying calmly to Miss Belle: "Hurry home. I'll take care of this too ardent young man." Miss Belle, who is a graduate of Blair hall, "Hew," she says to her father and mother. Rev Mr Griffin talked long to Bisseil, urging him to be a man ami rot thrust his unwelcome attentions on any woman.

Finally the pastor let Blssell go. He hurried to the Lake Averno boarding house, the door remained dosed to him. He broke a window and loudly demanded to see Miss Belle, who denies positively that she ever engaged herself to him. An Ocean Grove policeman was called who did nothing more than compel Bisseil to leave town on a late train. Rev Mr Crouse Intimated last night GREAT BOAT RACE GLOBE Evening Prices 25, 35, 60, 75 Previous close 7s 8s 01 dv 5s 084dv 03(lv No.

2 red winter wheat: Clone Sent 7s Dee BB 00dv Mixed corn: Oct 5s 08 1t nil 5s MffcdV in the Farce Comedy Caught in the Rain William Collier and Grant Stewart. Recnlar Park Theatre Prices. Seatn SellinK for Two Weeks. Mon. Mat.

NAT WILLS Lucky Ir" Tomorrow Night. Regular 2.V50c Coorert f'OrT LEO TOLSTOI. His Dressing Like Peasants and Doing Sitnilar Work Hasn't Endeared Him to His Poor Neighbors. I COLONIAL THEATRE Cnaa.Frolimnn.Ulrh HarrlK, Lessees MAT. TODAV AT a that he will tell "everything that led up to the tragic proceeding to his congregation when he returns to Stanhope.

WOULD NARROW SIDEWALKS. IN ROSTO DEC WHEAT IN OUTSIDE MARKBTS Hi nne-New York aaolls Dnluth St Ixiila Open 1.10 1.06 l.llHb .08 Close 110b l.nV,a Ci. LIVE STOCK Hns opened generally 10e higher, rough 5.4Of0.68, light 10.4586.87, mixed packing S5.70Sj6.35, heavy shipping S5.40fl.32. Receipts 7000, estimated receipts for Monduv 32.000. Cattle sternly, beeves S47.15, cows anil heifers $1.28445.50, sturkcrs undfe edera 85.

Itecplpta 300. Sheep steady, natives westerns yearlings $5.51 sir 6. 40, native lambs 4.7.V,;7.40, westerns 4.75i;,7.50. Keccpits 2500. THEATRE Shonts Offers Remedy for Conges Repeated Attacks by Armed Men Lead to His Calling: for Aid.

Mrs Eddy uses it. however, as a means of effecting cure." One of the peculiarities of theosophy. Mrs Besant said, was that It would probably never develop a ritual service of its own. LINDSAY MORISON Manager TODAY AT a AND 8 LAST TIMES OF "3F A 99 TONIGHT AT 8 Wed. and Sat.

Hats, at 2 WRIGHT LorimeR In a Beuuilful Traduction of Uis New Plaj THE QUICKSANDS By Alleia Ramsey nnd Uudolph de CorJota. "As Tlrlle a piece of stagecraft as rem years have produced." Ueury 0. Shelley la Herald. IDrPlay begins at play ends at 10:44 SEATS NOW EJX.IXG The Beat Stock Comnuiiy in America MATS AT EVENINGS AT 8. 25c, BOc.

ad SOc, 75c. Gallery 15c. Tomorrow Sneorl Concert MONDAY, SEPT. 23. "KAFFLFS rate, a fractional postal currency, and pos.

il Insurance. Among the officers of the league are Joslah yulncy of Boston and Ellsha Dyer of Providence, I. Castle Sq Tel. Tremont Branch Box Cffice IS Winter it tion of Traffic in New York Streets. NEW YORK, Sept 21 The session yesterday of the public service commission's Investigations of the traction companies was given over entirely to conlsderlng the services provided on the surface ll.ies.

Oren Root, vice president and general manager of the metropolitan system, who was on the stand during the whole of the session, admitted that the surface lines were not run to their Tallest capacity, but he explained, as has before, that it was Impossible as a general proposition to run cars on a shorter headway than Is now maintained on sucli lines as Broadway and 4th and 'itli avs because of the congestion of vehicular ttaffic. There were three factors, Mr Root said, which tended to limit the service provided on the surface lines, the "rush hour" period, the congested conditions, and the narrowness of the thoroughfares through which the cars must pass, and the frequqent disablement of cars, BPS! Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept 1-The cotton market was Irregular, but easy, today. Weak Liverpool cablegrams caused much selling in the opening and early dealings, and before It abated prices sold lltfjl3 points below yesterday's finals.

A rally to within a few popints of the previous closings was in turn followed by another reaction. The market closed well above the day's lowest, but the ending was officially described as barely steady. Following are the New York and Liverpool Quotations: NKW YORK t'OXTWl-i Lawless Privilege a Harm. "The eradication of lawless privilege from business helps rather than hurts legitimate Industry, insurance policies are more valuable today by reason of the elimination of grartlng on the part of some Insurance officials. We can eat our meat with more satisfaction since abuses In the beef packing business were stopped.

When railroads and other special Interests arc compelled to obey the law. It will not retard their development nor Injure their real progress, but will put them on a more secure and substantial "In the fight against the privilege of lawlessness there have arisen questions between the federal and state governments as to the constitution of tho powers of each. if the people of the states cannot be trusted to enact valid laws with respect to corporations, by what process of reasoning can It be assured that they have the capacity to legislate for the Individual citizen? The states create the corporations: Shall they be denied he control of their creatures? The reguTatlon of Interstate commerce must necessarily le by the federal government; but as to commerce within the states. It is the right and the duty of the state to regulate It. In ordinary lines of bcslness.

competition can be trusted to regulate prices and protect the people Law Must Supply Regulation. "With a monopoly, however, tho law must supply the regulation which, in the case of enterprises open to all, is furnished by competition. Railroads are necessiry to the uevelopment of our ast resources, and" are entitled to fair treatment the same as Individuals, but, in, restrained, their power to fix rates Is a a incoi i tlH jP PKRKOIWAXCE PERFORMANCE! Emm ft A. M. to 11 i.tO P.

M. mats. Tuea. Wed. and Sat.

at 2 Evenings at 8 The Popular Comic Opera The WIZARD NILE Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 2.5c, 15c. Sept. 23VtrdPs RIOOLETTO. "Theosophy contains all the great and common truths of the other rellsrions of the world, and thus a person can be a theosophist and remain affiliated with any church. We do not care about their leaving their churches." 1t500 iiEGISTER.

Members of International Congress of Religious Liberals Begin to Arrive in Boston. At 25 Beacon st. the headquarters of the International congress of Religious Liberals, 1600 members have already registered. Among these are between 150 and 200 foreign delegates. The delegates will ie accompanied by a staff of guides during the week, who will direct them to the hotels to which they have been assigned, and will give them other information.

These guides Include Rev Henry Hallam Saunderson. chief guide. John H. Applcbce, Alfred W. Blrks, Ixiuls H.

Buckshorn. C. W. Casson. Albert W.

Clark, Arthur H. Coar. F. R. Griffin.

C. W. Helzer. Carl O. Horst.

R. F. Leavens. Samuel R. Maxwell.

John F. Meyer. A. E. Mullett.

Wm. W. Peck. H. Reed and F.

S. C. Wicks. LIQl'ID ELECTRICITY A MATE I It HIXTIIH 1ST I I' li THE SEA BILL THIS WEEK am it iirinx ANIMATED PICTURES an ILLUSTRATED SONGS AdniixHion. Including reserved seat, lO ctfc St alO GRAND MATIN EE TODAY Muta Tups Tnurs, Sat at 2 flQC'D A H.

V()0I) Present particularly in winter, when snow was on the ground. i'rev Close close Open High Low hid September 11.03 October li nt tt.M 11.10 11.01 11. 11 November ..11.23 11 17 ..11.30 11.23 11.21 11.17 1123 January 11.20 11.33 11.23 11.80 Kelinmry ...11.40 11.81 Mares n.3 ll.M 11.41 April 11.00 11 42 11 4.) 11.42 11.44 Miy 11 54 11.45 11.50 11.47 11.4. June 11.50 11.51 Jaly 1150 llM TODAY 2 and 8 THREE KILLED, FIVE HURT. Explosion of Gas in Mine of Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company, South Wilkesbarre.

WII.K KKIiAKKK. Penn, Sept 21-By an explosion of gas In one of the mines of the I.ehlijh Sc Wilkesbarre coal company at South Wilkesbarre, todav, three men were killed and five injured. GEN BOOTH 7n AMERICA. Salvation Army's Head Received at St John, Marconi to Stjrt Transatlantic Wireless. ST JOHN, Sept 21-Oen Booth of the Salvation army arrived here last night.

He crossed the Atlantic on the steamship Vii'Kinlan, landing at Kimou-i-M this morning. He Is arpoanssantad by Commissioner Nlchol. editor-in-chief of the army publications. Col Lawley. general traveling secretary, and Col David I.amb, head of the army's emigration work in Oreat Britain.

A thousand persons were at the station to meet him. and Mayor Sears read an address of welcome. Another passenger on thP Vlrpi'nian was riifenor Marconi. He went through to Syney. B.

It Is said his trirT fn ORPHEUM Mr Root said that the company could PT I'HTERHBI'ItO, pt il-The Jlbllee of Count Tolstois literary activity was marred by an attack I his residence st Yasnaya, Poljana, near Moscow, made by armed peasants of the neighborhood, according to reports recelvnl here today from Moscow. Several peasants, on Sept IT. It i snld, advaMtfWjd to within 100 of the count's house and opened on It With flintlock guns and pistols, but Were driven off by the gardeners. Although Ma family was much excited by the incident Cout.t ToLstol refused to summon tho police, saying he had no need of d. f.

nce against the peasants, to Whom he had devoted whole life of labor and lover" The next ntaht, however, the same of peasant n-aln approached tho Tolstoi huniestetd unri tired at the win-t'ows. hreaKIng tl.em and -shattering mirrors in fie rooms. This trentud a great panic, and although the gardeners and others advanced against the peasants, who lotiKht refuge In fliKUt. not one of the attacking party was captor d. Tolntol thereupon consented to call on the rural constabulary for assistance, and the latter searched tin- houses of peasunis In the neighborhood ind arrested of them on of being concerned In the attacks made on the count resldi nee.

Tolstjl, it is add-ML remained caln. tliro'iniiout the affair, and simply il that tin- action of the peasants was due to a mere spirit of ml si hief The Incident, which Is interpteted us showing that the life of Russia's 'Viand old man" was cndaiiKi red In a stupid fashion by the peasants who fired at his liouse, lias caused it painful Impression here. The newspapers reprint the article entitled "lion't Kill." of which put on more cars If It could have i freer use of the streets, and he remind -THE PRETTY THE QUICK-MOVING SHOW. uniicr ed Mr Ivlns. counsel for tliu commis CONWAY'S BAND Avery Hart.

Dixon A Auger. sion, that Pres Shonts of the Inter-AIet system had already appealed to the Mack Spot closed quiet 5 iHilnts lower: middling Monroe, and Lawrence. James commission for its assistance in getting llVWIi mm 1 1 fl TYPEWRITER Dover St. Sta. T0 40 H- p- l.veninKxnt RACING AT FULL SPEED Ev'gs 20c, 30c, 50c, 75c.

Mats 1500 at 25c Next Week 'Through Death Valley." Sales and Jennie Jee, UIDV lull nSAUIII uplands 12.20 c. middling gulf 12.45c. 2M bales: stock ITO.StV bales. an ordinance passed for a better regit Marzella's Birds muni AEirl Drill nil Mats 15c-. 25c.

Eve 15c to 75c. Tel Ox 5 or 6 latlon of the street traffic. It was decided to place Mr Shont letter on the minutes of tic investigation. tf Sl Mr Shonts -mid that the movement of cars on Broadway south of 23d st was slower than horse car speed, because of the power to tax. and the power to tax Is the power to destroy.

"They have no more right to carry the freight of one man for less cost than another under the same circ*mstances, or to carry ona man free and charge PALACE IRWIN bURLESQUERS CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE Show Golnsr On All Time. Show Going On All Uie Time. the large number of vehicles which were standing continually at the curb RUSSIAN WHEAT CROP SMALL Expectations Signally Disappointed Rye, Chief Food of Peasants, is Only 7 Percent Short. ST PF.TF.RSBCRO. Sept 21 Th- crop report of the central statistical committee.

Issued today, recor Is that the SMOther. than a tex collector would have along the narrow parts of the street thus forcing traffic on the car tracks BOWDOIN Every afternoon at 1:30. Every evening at 7 Before the regular performance and between, the acts nn exhibition of the best moving pictures in Boston. WHEN WOMEN LOVE Any scat In tie houae 25c. Neit Week Shadow Behind the Throne.

tf sic UVERPOQt September 0.38 September-October K.23Mj October-November 0.17Vj November -December BalSM Decemlier-Jauuary rr.U.ll'a January-February 6.11 February-March O.llVb March-April 6.12 April Mav 6.12 May-June 8.13 Futures opened easier; closed quiet. Spot dul and easier: American middling up lands off 5 isilnts. Hales Including 3400 American were 4000 bales. No receipts. The conditions at other npot markets were: to remit a 1 orlion of one man taxes.

lie also said: to collect half another's and to put all "I desire also to call vour attention llliUU to P. M. ot 14 Canada Is In connection with the establishment of a transatlantic wireless service. tg the fact that along a number of thoroughfares in this city the space al lotted to pedestrians Is out of propor tion to that allowed vehicular traflic. LYCEUM N.

Y. STARS Dally and 8 P. M. Orchestra Sent 25c Tel. Ox.

flf At tin 23d st, almost from river to river 30 feet on each side, or 60 feet In all, Sales Price Is occupied by sidewalks and the road ITS) M. I Tolstoi Is the author i with large omissions, due to fear of the censorship. way lor cars and vehicles Is limited HOWARD The Nightingales, Lu-Bitanla Maids" of burlesque, pretty girls out to smash all records. In any kind of a sea. Always something doing from 1 till 11.

Smoklns Allowed. 0t slB to 40 feet. Tlie same situation exists lOOLUMBSfl THOROUGH. BREOS on 14th st from Av to th av. on 34th st from 1st av to the North river and on I2d st from Vnnderbllt av to 8th av.

12'j si 12 It's 12.45 1 1 6t sle Stock 17.207 075 10.4N1 6,1115 53,01 1 37,007 14.134 40,000 4.381 00,049 9,080 15,244 "Along the 8th-st crosstown line at (Baltimore Charleston Cincinnati GalvoKton 71K) Houston 2N12 Menpliis 75 New Orleans 1125 riiiladelphla Savannah 2101 St luls Wilmington many points the two sidewalks occuny as mum space as the roadway, and the Of the burden on still nnotner. "The danger to the Integrity of the states can best be checked by the states exercising their rights of In the enactment of good laws and nforeement of those laws. The states that allow their self-government to Is; spread out and dissipated among many Subdivisions until it becomes so weak as to mean but little, are doing much to aid in the plan of those who argue for a more centralised government at the nation's capital. "This is the greatest nation In the worl 1. but It Is no greater than the states that compose It.

it is great because it is a nation of self-governing states. Let us keep It so, for Its decline will commence when the self-government of the states, the fountain of Its strength, Is taken away. "In a sense, every governmental question Is a question of right or wrong. The tariff is a moral question. A tariff, deliberately designed to create monopoly and to give a few people the right to prey upon the rest of the people is prohibited by the moral law the law of conscience.

But considered purely upon an economic basis, the time has come when a monopoly-creating tariff cannot be fairly defended. $4 fgZ JOY LINE to same statement will apply to other AMERICAN LEAGUE HUNTINGTON AVENUE PARHAM NOT RESPONSIBLE. Founder of Sect Says His True Followers Could Not be Concerned With Greenhaulgh Torture. C5A I.KNA, Kan. Sept 21-Charles Parham, founder of the sect of Par-hatnlte-t.

whose followers are alleged to be responsible for the death of Mrs I.etltla Greenhaulgh, at Zlon City, III, lives In Galena. In commenting on the Greenhaulgh case yesterday he said that he assumed no responsibility for the Infliction of tortures upon Invalids bv his alleged followers at Zlon city. He said that his teachings did not prescribe torture as treatment for the sick. He did not believe In the use of merll-Cfns or other treatment other than prayer and the laying on of hands. No real Parhamites used torture In treating afflicted persons.

Parham holds meetings regularly on NEW YORK thoroughfares traversed by the cars. On such streets, in view of tho physical limitations, the only remedy for the undesirable conditions existing appears to expectations of a fine crop had ber) signally disappointed, and that Ugh prices of grain, assuring a remunerative export business, offer the only relieving feature of the situation. The current year's crops onlv yielded 6. bushels more than last rear, leaving a shortage of 200,000,000 or 11 percent of the average crop. The figures, it is said, would presage a repetition of last year's famine were It not for the fact that the shortage la distributed among different kinds of grain Thus the winter wheat Is 32 percent short, spring wheat 14.

nnd rve, which If the principal food of the oeasants. Is only 7 percent short. The Volga provinces, which supply Russia with rye, gathered crops above the average. SHE RODE RUNAWAY HORSE. Miss Edith Pulitzer Clung to Back of Lord Chesterfield Until He Was Brought Down.

BAR HARBOR, Me, Sept 21 Displaying courage and good Judgment, Miss Edith Pulitzer, daughter of Joseph Pulitzer of New York, clung to the of her lather's saddle horse, Lord Ches Steady. tQulet. Nominal. tie in the narrowing ot the sidewalks. BY TRAIN AND BOAT EVERY WEEK DAY Tuv nfiino 914 WooM-nt Ct Phone Certainly there would be a decided net gain to the public at large by reason of New York Curb Market.

I luaai uniuo, nawii. iin m. such a course of procedure, as in a num ber of localities the sidewalks are not NKW YORK, Sept L'l TradiriK in the dSutf yl utilized to their full capacity, altlmugn minlnsi siocks on ine euro toaiiy was the streets are filled from curb to curb GAVE FRIENDS A SURPRISE. Henry W. Burriil of Milford and Miss Olive G.

Smith of Natick Quietly Wedded in Providence. MILKOIUi, Mas, Sept 31 Hufy Wilson Hul III of tins town and Miss Ullvo Oertruile Smith of recently of Milford, gave their relatives and a aurprlse yesterday by going quietly in Providence and being married by a liuptU'. minister, Hev J. V. Osterhuut of I bat city.

'ine lulde was at worlt In Natlec when, according to a previous understanding, she left it to meet her Intended, who was there In waiting to go With her to Providence. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Burrlll came here and went to tin- home of the bride's sister. Mrs George S. Irving. Forest st.

who was much surprised by the news. The groom Is aged 19 years and the Son of Mr and Mi Henry Burrlll, Court st, and tne bride Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Waldo B. Smith, recently of this town, but now of Natick. Hhe Is aged 1ft years. The broom has been In lie i in; I ov lto er i 7i and Mrs Purr, II will live In Natl k.

by vehicles. active. Most of the Issues opened hlBlier but the general tone of the mar Today at 2:45 CLEVELAND Prices 1.00, 75c, 50c, 25o TAKE CARS FROM PARK STREET SUBWAY WRIGHT ft niTSOVS. 344 Washington St, CtUOKI, Copley Bqture. ket was steady, ram close: Automobiles For Hire.

CHEAT PIBACiD ARROW CARS, and 7 neuters, by the hour or ilivi open day nnd nlsht. K. A. MclWIll, Telephone U7 Tremont. SuWStf Jv 1 4 Accompanying his letter Mr Shonts bent a series of amendments to the existing traffic regulations.

He suggested that the commission should assist in the tne streets or liaiena, Kas, Joplin, Mo, Bid Asked Bid Asked ana oilier cities. 1 Man 44 4 Mlemac 3H, 3 Mitch 1 1 Mutuality Trade's Primary Law. efforts to have them adopted by the city authorities. The effect of the passage of the amendments would mean the dl Nev-L'tah ..3 4 Amer 1 F. do 1st pr.

do 2d Am r. 1V4 do pr 15 Be 18 Br Col Cop. Vi Butte Col. 10 Chic Sub. lfcV.j Cuin'-Ely 0 Niplssing 8 8 version of a large proportion of the truck traffic which now blocks the I as sage of cars in Broadway and other "International rommerce can never be a one-sided transaction.

Mutuality Is the primary law of trade. Trade restrictions breed trade retaliations; and so Jong as we pursue a policy of hostile excluslveness we can never hope to dominate the commercial marts of the SERIOUS OFFENCE CHARGED. Winchester Woman of 16, Alleged to Have Deserted Husband for Another, Arrested at Framlngham. HOl'TH FRAMINOHAM, Sept 21 In the district court this morning Stanas- terfield, yesterday afternoon as the animal, wholly unmanageable through fright, dashed wildly for five tnl'-s down the Ocean drive, through tho' streets of Bar Harbor and down to the water's edge, where he stumbled and 20 2 10 fl 10 10 H'n 5 lo Mi IVi one chi i. 10.1 lift Otis Kle 30 40 do pr 7S 86 Srab Air L.

12 15 do 1st pr. 45 5 do 2d pr. 2o SB Stan 445 400 Ton 10U in, Ton Kit en. ir.T- ia. I lav-Daly NaniasM Bead.

74 1 1 ii lrio was caugni Deiore he cmiM 8 54c BOc SH 4 1-HI PA Li 5 10 lo 32-1S. 3oc 1 17c 33c 200 MlelllHC io Ucctisan 50 Nit Mln A- 225 i ling 85 N'evsda Calumet 1,148 Nevada Vtmh Ion IV'-uvWn 150 Haven Mining 30o Bead Gas la oil M0 Bllsslena 1,008 Superior A Pittsburg. 250 Superior Copper T'Mi HhHWinut cons 2H0 Trev 50O I'-ilted ll United zinc 200 Wilbur Mines leal Xlmo Mining 54c BOc M4 2H l'i sjZ 1 1 in 5Si 3 10 10 35c US 3iK- 1H Me Don 0 mi. Doug Cop. (ilnmx Greene Can.

lireene-ttold Greene G-S. busy streets to thoroughtares where, there are no surface car lines. The time of loading arid unloading vehicles would be limited. These suggestions were aiso spread upon the records of the Inquiry. About five years ago the Metropolitan company presented a somewhat similar set ot regulations to the board of aldermen, but the truck owners' and truck drivers' organizations yirotested so vigorously at the public hearing that nothing was done.

Take Trinity 14 15 iWeitlur ROWE'S WHARF, Strain boatt rise again. Mlsa Pulitzer held her seat until the end of the dash, and coolly guided 'h frightened steed all the way. She was exhausted, and was taken home la a carriage. 1 i nueo map. -uc 4u Permitting) Leaving 20.

3:20. 12 20. 10:20 A. P. M.

world. I his can only be done by reciprocal trado relations with the leading nations. "In constructing this great government, our forefathers exercised wisdom ursurpassed In the annals of mankind. They founded a government guaranteeing rights to the Individual never obtained or exercised by any other people. They fought in order to give us this nation with its blessings of freedom.

"it Is for us to preserve it as a government of the people, for the popl and by the people. Let us endeavor to maintain Inviolate the principle of ipular and recognize Boston Curb Market. The local curb market continued strong and trading grew active In the late dealings. The total sales was Postal Reforms to be Advocated. NEW YORK S-pt 21 The postal progress league has empowered Its president.

C. Beach, to appoint a committee to present ta the next congress and the general public the advisability of these postal reforms: A general two-cent four-ounce letter post, local one-cent four-ounce letter post within city delivery limits, a rural post, all mall matter, weight limit one pound; a two-cent foreign letter laus Masiantollo and Adallne glllo. who were arrested last night at a house in Wpverley ct, on a warrant charging tb- ni with a statutory offence were arranged before Judge Kingsbury MM both entering pleas of not guilty ease-- went over on continuance to Thursday. Sept each being ordered to recognize in for their appearance In default they were committed to jail at Fast 'a inbrldge. It Is alleged that the woman, who Is only vears old, deserted ber husband and two children In Winchester about two months ago and ran away with the man.

Thev have been In Woreestj-r and Albany since, nnd about a month ago came here, where the man obtained employment shoe factory. The husband few days nro that is. Nantasket, 10:40, 11:40 A. 1:40, 3 40. 4:40.

Ml: 40 P. M. Peinberton, twenty two uitnutia later also on Sundays at P. 05 AM. Week days only.

bSnndavs only. cBeat an rail. Q. p. GUSHING.

Qen. Msr. ThSSutf about 44,000 shares. Amalgamate I Ne vada was heavily traded In and ad- vnc-ed above 30. Other blocks were Kcllpse OH, Zinc, Golden Shaft, Butte ltradley.

Xlmo, Nevada Utah rOLLOW th and Seoerlor oi Pittsburg. Quotation! a nr -Y-waswsBaaaK. and sales follow: fcihare sold 100 Acme Conolldtieu 10O ABMl Mln I1 00. too Ilatenllas KE6ULAR SEASON CLOSES TOMORROW 125 Begolc Syndicate. PIERCE INDIAN FIGHT.

Bowlder Marking Site Dedicated at Central Falls, I Address by Descendant of Capt Pierce. CENTRAL FALLS. I. Sept 21 The dedication of a bowlder and tablet to mark the location of the Pierce Indian tight in 1BT3, took place here today. The program included addresses by prominent Rhode Islanders and an historical address by Edwin C.

l'ierce of Providence, lineal descendant of Capt Michael Pierce. Tho tablet bears the following inscription: 'Pierces fiht Here Capt Michael Pierce and his company of Plymouth colonists, ambushed and outnumbered wero almost annihilated by the Indians March 26, 1673." couple wafc here and yesterday out a warrant In th dlstrle court which was served shortly before midnight last night, and the wife and her alleged paramour taken Into custo and locUard up. Brist-Hi Corhln. TIME 6:30 The park will remain 0ou Indcnnltf for Tlsltors to the loologlcal garden or to observe the glorious autumnal cliunges. Last performance in theatre TONIGHT.

BiO Msek Mount P50 Boston Kly 4.VK) Buff Bradley 100 Butte Kvplo.Mtlon 50 Butte Sentrsl Ififl Butle ndon HH2 IKIIfrog Mines. luc. 20O UoMVMX-olo Mmi rtuIKrog Wntaf '00 curl-in oppar 2B Copper A'. Connolbb, led KNEW BRIDGE WAS UNSAFE. Supt Yenser of Quebec Construction Aware Chords Were Weak, But Did Not Want Men to be Idle.

QUEBEC, Sept 21-Messrs Yenser, Mc-Clure and Cudworth. officials of the Phoenix Bridge company, were witnesses yesterday before the dominion commission which Is Investigating the Quebec bridge disaster. Supt Yenser said that while he feared the weakness of chords 9 and 10 might become serious, he continued the work because he could not keep the men Idle. MILK PRICE UNCERTAIN. E.

M. Whittle of Maiden Says He Was Misquoted When Made to Say Rate Might be Raised. MALDEN. Sept 21-E. M.

Whltf one of the largest milk dealers city, says that he was misquoted In the Olobe yesterday morning when he WAS made to say that the price may be Increased next month to 9 or 10 cents a (MiHrt- He says that what he did say was that the dealers cannot tell what the price will be because the 'nrmers will not fix a price till the contractors decide what the cost shall be. He says the Maiden dealers have been paying 41 cents a can the past six months, and no new contract hm KNOWN AS "DRY MILK." Bakers Say They Will be Forced to Use Skim Milk Substitute if the 10-Cent Rate Prevails. In connection with tho advance to 10 cents In the price of milk per quart, certain Boston bakers have been making the statement that If the price of milk goes to that extreme they will be torecrt to use dry milk, a substitute for skim milk, In the hak jries. Skim milk Is the basis of a great deal of this dry milk or powder. After the cream has been removed from the milk, and the casein, the chief nitrogenous Ingredient, has been extracted to be sold for glue to paper-sizing men or wallpaper manufacturers, the remaining portion of the skim milk is run over metallic drums, heated to a high temperature.

This causes the milk to crust. Just as a drop will when It falls upon a hot stove. A series of knives scrape this crusting from the drumB, and this Is mode Into a powder and forms the drv milk or substitute for skim milk aa used in somo bakeries. I he bakers take thla powder In the proportion of one pound to two gallons of water for use In their bread, cake or pastry. The powder costs from 12 cents to 13 cents per pound.

There aro three gr ides of the Ichor quulity The proportion of butter fat In the powder runs from 12 to J4 cent, according tc grade, and the pow der costs frtm 20 cents to 30 cents per pound, according to tne quality of the grade. It Is made In the same wav as tne other, save that ail ths butter the largest uoeny ot tne Individual citizen consistent with law and order-unite in enforcing trie laws and In counteracting any attempt to defy them; destroy Mie privileges of lawlessness and th unju3t prlvilegos conferred by law. and maintain the rights of all by caudng each to respect the rights of the other. "Let us not seek hs a remedy for existing evils less democracy, but more democracy; not more money, but more manhood; not more cunning, but more conscience. Let us I' and down the doctrine that liberty Is the right of the Individual, not a privilege to the roming generation, to the end that the Individual may be uplifted more and more as time goes by until the mlghtly mission of America in enllgnt-enlng the world with the benedictions of liberty is accomplished" Gypsies Leave Norton by Night.

NORTON. Sept 21 The nana of gypsies which has been camped. In this town for the past two weeks left suddenly at an early hour this morning. Residents living near the camp yesterday made complaint against them to the selectmen, and as a result Deputy Sheriff Nelson of Mansfield last evening summoned a few of the leaders to appear In court at Attleboro this morn P. High 2jc 31c 14 H( HI 1 Otic 12c 7 IV 17c lOc lie SS: 3 2.V..

M. a. 6 43c 2ic 28c 15c i a is 0 ii i GLOUCESTER AND CAPE ANN Round trip. 75c. Central Wharf, foot State-at Kle4 stairs.

Week days 10 A II, I leave Uloucester. M. Sundays leave Boston. 10:10 AM: leave Gloucester I'M-Uuslc. K.

8. MKK( HAr Mgt. BO8T0N OU1U0KSTKB 8. 8. 00.

dSutr 1 Donaolldated SS Low 20e 23c 0 I SB 12c 7 l' l.V S2V-, 3 mt 3 37c 2Vj 10Va 22c Ha 28c Qe 1 3-16 fl 2t.j 18c 5Vi 55 75 1)4 Selection in Winchester. I Nc'H KSTEK, Sept 21 The demo cratic caucus WHS helil in th. triv hall last evening and tho following Peabody Church to Reopen. I'KABOHY. 8ept 1'1-The First Unitarian church, which has been closed for the pust 10 weeks, undergoing repairs and complete renovation, will reopen tomorrow with the usual morr ing service, when Rev Bertrand Thompson will preach his first annlversa-v sermon The church has been very handsomely fitted up, this being the second time changes have been made In the edifice since It was built In The work has been carried on under the direction of Rev C.

B. Thompson chairman, Samuel Lord nd Joseph Thurndike Sun Burn, Ivy Pci-oiing, "The Household Surgeon" Heals. Druggists rel ind money If Dr Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil falls. 25c. "Boro-Formalln" (Elmer Amend), mm an antiseptic, cleansing mouth and tooth wuon, Is unsurpassed.

delegates elected to the various -on- ventlons: State, Dr Charles McCar For the FISHING GR0VNDS thy; councillor, (leorge H. Eustls; county. John K. Holland; district attorney William J. Daty; representative John tSO Davb- 1 3 Dominion copper 75 Kast Butte 2.B5U Kcl! nil 100 Karwell Mt Mining.

35 Cons IB Glenevls Gold King 830 Ooldfield A. Boston 1.2INJ tJo'den Shaft mo Golden Dawn im Greene Gold-Silver. Grene Gold-Sil pfd, 100 Helvetia 35o Tlolcomb Val 15 Ko'vernuw Copper. 4o linrnuile, 1.485 Mijesllc Copper Majestic 7s 25 Mi kinlev-Darragh Cob 60 Ml telle Owing to the great growth In the circulation of the Sunday the want ad lections must go to press eat Her. To ensure proper attention, want ads for tomorrow's Globe must he in the Office before 6:30 M.

liollaiid, Howard I). Nash. Hishop and Kerd French; senatorla1' Dr Charles F. McCarthy jind Jnl.i, u' O'Connor. The town committer ing.

When court was called, however lims Is Dr C. F. McCarthy. -v the gypsies were not present, and an Cosgrove, James II. Roach.

John II Carter. Whitfield L. Tuck. Michael Nelson, Henry J. Carroll, George Eustls ana John F.

O'Connor. investigation showed that they had left I been made. He also says that the deal-Norton In the nlghL 1 ers will be lucky to get cents quart. Steamer King lhili, Captain Kdwant VT. Dixon.

leaves Commercial wharf at 10 o'clock. Kara Uui Uullwr. Uoaa. Bait, fbowael traaw Budtf 55 7.V 1 i.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.