Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (2024)

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog

Earlier this year we presented Tempoross to you, our first iteration of the Fishing Skill Boss. Since then we've made some changes based on your feedback, and are excited to share more about this angry sea spirit once again! We're talking about this well ahead of release to give us plenty of chance to react to any feedback you have - so please let us know what you think using the links found below!

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (1)


Following player feedback since the blog went live, we've made the following changes:

  • 08/12/2020 - Added information to the 'Core Loop: Gathering and Loading' section clarifying that Dragon/Crystal Harpoons will increase the catch rate of Harpoonfish, and use of the Infernal Harpoon will give a 1/3 chance for Harpoonfish to be cooked as they're fished.
  • 08/12/2020 - Additional detail added to 'Poll Question #1' to state the encounter would also grant small amounts of Cooking and Construction XP.
  • 08/12/2020 - Added more information regarding the binding effects from the Tome of Water and separated the question for this from the main Tome of Water poll question.
  • 08/12/2020 - New poll question added offering a 20% damage increase to Standard Spellbook Water spells with the charged Tome of Water.
  • 08/12/2020 - New poll question added offering a 20% accuracy increase to Ancient Magicks Ice spells with the charged Tome of Water.
  • 08/12/2020 - Added the previously missed Ultimate Ironman specific questions for the Fish Barrel and Tackle Box.
  • 08/12/2020 - Changed the 'Heron Pet Recolour' section to include information about Tiny Tempor, the unique Tempoross based pet, along with clarification to confirm the Heron pet is not available as a reward from Tempoross.
  • 08/12/2020 - Added the Dragon Harpoon as a very rare reward from Tempoross.
  • 08/12/2020 - Additional section introduced addressing 'Tempoross Challenge Mode'.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (2)

ATTENTION ALL SKILLED FISHERMEN: We, The Spirit Anglers, need your help!

Seafarers have for many generations told chilling tales of the very ocean itself coming to life. Such stories speak of waters amassing into colossal shifting forms that whip the waves into a raging storm. Perhaps you have heard talk of a vengeful Spirit of the Sea wantonly attacking sailors unprovoked? Or maybe you have heard, as some believe, that this Spirit is simply a guardian of the oceans, intent merely on fending off those who are disrespectful of its waters and wildlife?

Whatever the reason, talk of this Spirit is indeed correct. This is no mere story but in fact the work of Tempoross, the Spirit of the Sea. Much remains unknown, but our research thus far suggests the Spirit could be as old as Gielinor itself. And crucially, after lying dormant for centuries, it has finally awoken.

We of course seek to understand the reasons behind its sudden resurgence, but there are also more pressing concerns. The Spirit is coalescing once again, causing intense storms that make crossing its path a perilous task. As such, The Spirit Anglers have been formed to investigate, whilst keeping it subdued to quell the storm and allow safe passage.

We need your help! Join us and save the seas!

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (3)

Tempoross Overview

Tempoross is an all new, fun and sociable way to train Fishing. Available to all members with at least level 35 Fishing, we're aiming to create an accessible, social Fishing Skill encounter that offers an alternative to the current hands-off levelling methods. With this in mind, our intentions for this boss were:

  • Scalable and accessible
    • It should support group sizes from 1 to 40+.
    • Higher level, experienced players shouldn't feel hindered by lower level players and these lower level and/or new players should still feel useful to their team.
    • 10HP accounts, level 3s and HCIM should be able to participate without risk.
  • There should be a risk of failing the encounter if players aren't pulling their weight.
  • Existing Fishing methods have a lot of downtime, so Tempoross should be a faster experience. It should, however, still be grindable without being exhausting.
  • However, this is an alternative to existing Fishing methods and the current meta, not a replacement:
    • The boss shouldn't give the best XP and best fish rates. We don't want to stop everyone from Fishing around Gielinor as that adds life and character to the world!
  • Rewards should complement traditional Fishing.

XP rates would scale based on your Fishing level. We expect that levels 35-70 would offer some of the best Fishing XP available in the game, albeit at the cost of receiving fewer fish - and being more intensive. Here's a breakdown of the approximate experience rates you should expect:

  • 35 Fishing - 30k XP per hour
  • 70 Fishing - 70k XP per hour
  • 99 Fishing - 80k XP per hour

Note: The above experience rates are approximations to give a better understanding of how Tempoross would compare to existing content. They are not exact and are subject to change based on testing, balancing and player feedback.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (4)

Tempoross Location

A few weeks ago, a group of fishermen from Al Kharid were out on their regular fishing trip when an unnatural storm suddenly invaded the clear sky. As the sea became fierce, throwing their ship this way and that through the thick fog, the fishermen spotted a great figure with empty, glowing eyes that seemed to be formed of the ocean itself. It took all of their combined sailing skill to navigate out of the storm and back to the safety of Al Kharid. Terrified, the group headed straight to Chancellor Hassan to relay the events. Concerned, the Chancellor appointed the fishermen to investigate and over the following days, more reports of the freak storms and a terrifying creature came in - something had to be done!

The fishermen were sent to the Ruins of Unkah on the west coast of the Kharidian Desert to establish a base of operations. Amongst the abandoned ruins of this ancient town, a port was constructed and a group known as the Spirit Anglers of Sea Spirit Dock was formed. Struggling against the threat, the Spirit Anglers are in great need of all the help they can get to make the seas safe once again.

Players will be able to secure safe passage to the Sea Spirit Dock via a small group of rowing boats that will ferry you from Al Kharid.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (5)
A WIP image of the Ruins of Unkah and the Sea Spirit Dock, the proposed lobby area for Tempoross.

Players must face Tempoross between two boats. Each boat has two cannons that will prove crucial in your efforts to defeat him, so you'll want to be spread evenly between them. Fishing spots will spawn on the North and South sides of the island, providing much needed ammunition to fill the cannons, and giving you the opportunity to run around the island with your friends!

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (6)
A WIP image of the layout for the Tempoross encounter.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (7)

Tempoross Encounter

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (8)
A WIP image of the Tempoross spawn animation.

Tempoross has three important stats you will need be aware of if you wish to prevail:

  • Energy - Behaves like regenerating armour and is reduced in Phase 1.
  • Spirit - Behaves like Health and is reduced in Phase 2.
  • Storm Intensity - Phase 1 failure timer. You must reduce its Energy before this reaches 100%!

Phase 1: Storm
Beneath the surface, the glowing Spirit Fish swarmed together, exploding forth into a colossal, watery form.

Core Loop: Gathering and Loading

Harpoonfish are currently gathered by fishing in harpoon spots on the island. As development continues, we'll be keeping a close eye on how this feels and if it's not hitting the desired intensity and feel, we can tweak the gathering mechanics to be more involved. This could be anything from higher yield spots to a personal rod or line. Cooking Harpoonfish is a way to gain extra points but decreased XP rates. To offset the cooking time, these will do more damage than raw Harpoonfish.

Using either a Dragon or Crystal Harpoon will give better catch rates of Harpoonfish. The Infernal Harpoon's passive Cooking effect will also apply, offering a 1/3 chance for Harpoonfish to be cooked as they're fished!

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (9)
A WIP image of an enthusiastic seafarer telling you to load the cannons.

Like fishing, loading cannons is a progressive action, but one cannon alone is not enough - the team will need to work together to keep as many cannons running as optimally as possible.

Adding Layers: Attacks

Players must also remain wary of Tempoross' attacks. These shake up the core loop, keeping the playing space dynamic and forcing players to stay mobile. For this reason, we've opted for attacks that hinder things like mobility and resource hoarding as opposed to causing damage, as we didn't want hoarding food to be the solution. This means Tempoross is considered a safe activity and is accessible to a wider group of players, especially those with accounts focused purely on skilling.

Wave Attack

Tempoross will occasionally unleash a huge, 360 degree wave that covers the entire area. You'll need to tether yourself to masts or totem poles by using a rope to avoid being swept away.

If tethered, the wave will pass over the player without any effect. You cannot move while tethered but can tether/untether freely. If not tethered, the wave will hit the player, knocking them back five tiles away from Tempoross (subject to change). Players will also lose 2-4 raw Harpoonfish, 2-4 cooked Harpoonfish and a random tool (hammer, rope, lightning rod or empty/full bucket.

The wave also has a chance of breaking each mast and totem pole, so you'll need to repair them with a hammer before the next wave hits.

Amounts are subject to change in testing, which will be based on the frequency of the attacks vs the amount of fish you can gather within that time.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (10)
A WIP image of part of an attack animation for Tempoross.

Lightning Attack

Lightning strikes are also a hazard. The tile they hit and the area around it will ignite, and in some cases this can block off pathways. Fires can be put out with buckets of water. To prevent this, players have the opportunity to place a lightning rod on the targeted tile. Again, this will be tuned as necessary.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (11)
A WIP image of how cannons can be impacted by the Lightning attack from Tempoross.

Torrent Attack

Tempoross will target cannons with water torrents. This doesn't break them, but does make loading them temporarily impossible. There's room for this mechanic to expand as needed to hit the right intensity and feel, so we'll be keeping an eye on that.

Storm Intensity

During Phase 1, The intensity of the storm will continuously increase, and if it reaches 100% your party will be forced to retreat until it subsides. As the intensity grows, Tempoross will attack with more frequency and power, such as breaking the masts more often. With this in mind, you'll need to keep the cannons firing despite the harsh conditions if you're to successfully subdue Tempoross.

Phase 2: Coalesce
An intense whirlpool swirled as the colossal form submerged, drawing in the dispersed Spirit Fish...

If you successfully reduce Tempoross' Energy to zero before the storm gets too intense, it will submerge, triggering Phase 2. While submerged, Tempoross draws in the fish you scattered in Phase 1 to regain its Energy. The storm will subside during this time, so this is your chance to get in close and remove the energised fish directly, reducing Tempoross' total Spirit. Spirit acts like health and once it's fully depleted, Tempoross won't be able to regain energy and will instead have to retreat for a longer period, leaving the seas safe until it can surface again. If Tempoross' energy reaches 100% before you deplete its Spirit, it will resurface and Phase 1 will start again.

It'll take 2-3 phase cycles to fully subdue Tempoross.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (12)

For encounters that must scale to accommodate small or large groups, interactions that are repeatable and have a big capacity work the best.

Mechanics that need altering according to group size create balance issues, potentially resulting in players favouring a particular group size as to avoid gameplay they feel may be too boring or punishing. Fiddly mechanics are generally time sensitive too. For large groups, this can result in players racing to complete a mechanic - and we'd much prefer they were competing with the boss as opposed to each other!

Gathering, however, can take numerous forms. Do we make players click and wait on a static fishing spot? Or have them hopping about between tasks all while avoiding assorted aquatic attacks? One of those sounds more interesting than the other, right? Of course, we don't want the fight to be overwhelming, so we must ensure we strike the right balance.

Poll Question #1

Should Tempoross, a new scalable boss based around the Fishing skill, be added to the game? Tempoross would have competitive Fishing XP rates alongside granting small amounts of Cooking and Construction XP. The encounter is considered a safe activity.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (13)


Rewards can be collected from pools of debris that is left at the end of the encounter. These will always contains some resources but of course, should you prevail and successfully subdue Tempoross, you'll receive more resources and earn a chance of gaining unique rewards!

Pool of Debris

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (14)
A WIP image of the Pool of Debris left behind after encountering Tempoross.

If you leave without looting this debris, or you wish to save your reward chances to use in one go, the pool will also be available in the lobby area. You'd be able to store a maximum of 8,000 reward chances in the pool. We applaud anyone daring enough to resist the temptation to loot the pools until they're completely full!

Alongside Spirit Bait and a chance at unique rewards, you'll also receive a selection of noted fish based on your Fishing level as well as small amounts of other resources, such as ore.

Poll Question #2

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players be able to fish a pool of debris left behind after the encounter, providing a selection of noted fish based on your fishing level as well as small amounts of other resources, such as ore?

Spirit Flakes

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (15)
Concept art showing how Spirit Flakes might look.

Spirit Flakes are fish food infused with the energy of Tempoross itself. These are an untradeable resource that when automatically consumed while fishing, provide a 50% chance of catching an extra fish for no additional XP. This effect stacks with Rada's Blessing and the flakes can be used on any type of fish.

Spirit Flakes would be a common reward in varying amounts from the pools of debris, though keeping a supply of them on hand will require regular encounters with Tempoross.

Poll Question #3

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players be rewarded with Spirit Flakes after the encounter? Spirit Flakes would be a common untradeable resource that when automatically consumed while fishing, provides a 50% chance of catching an extra fish for no additional XP. This effect stacks with Rada's Blessing and the flakes can be used on any type of fish.

Fish Barrel

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (16)
A WIP image of the Fish Barrel.

The Fish Barrel can store a total of 28 raw fish, and can store multiple species simultaneously. Fish can only be removed from the barrel at a Bank, similar to the looting bag. It would be possible to combine the Fish Barrel with the Fish Sack (the latter of which can be purchased for 1,000 molch pearls from Alry the Angler on Molch Island) to create an equippable version of the Fish Barrel that would be worn in the cape slot.

The Fish Barrel is untradeable and is fairly rare.

Poll Question #4

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players have a chance to obtain an untradeable Fish Barrel as a reward after the encounter? The Fish Barrel can store a total of 28 raw fish, and can store multiple species of fish simultaneously. Fish can only be removed from the barrel at a Bank.

Poll Question #5

If the Fish Barrel is added to the game, should players be able to combine it with the Fish Sack from Molch Island to create an equippable version of the Fish Barrel that would be worn in the cape slot?

Tackle Box

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (17)
A WIP image of the Tackle Box.

The Tackle Box provides additional storage for fishing equipment including rods, feathers, bait and the Angler's outfit. Equipment must be taken from the box before it is used. This saves on Bank space and improves organisation.

You'd be able to effectively store up to 2,147,483,647 of most pieces of fishing equipment, with exceptions to this being the charged variants of the Infernal and Crystal Harpoons, of which you can only store a maximum of one each.

The Tackle Box is untradeable and is fairly rare.

Poll Question #6

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players have a chance to obtain an untradeable Tackle Box as a reward after the encounter? The Tackle Box allows players to store fishing equipment including rods, feathers, bait and the Angler's outfit?

We're aware that the ability to store fish in a Fish Barrel or fishing supplies in a Tackle Box will make a difference for the way Ultimate Iron accounts train Cooking and Fishing. Perhaps you feel that your mode should change in turn with the rest of the game? Or perhaps you feel that this update would make UIM mode too easy? The following questions address whether UIM are comfortable accepting the Fish Barrel and Tackle Box alongside the Fishing Skill Boss update.

Only Ultimate Iron accounts are eligible to vote on the following two questions. Others will be forced to skip.

Poll Question #7

If the Fish Barrel is added to the game, should it also be made available to Ultimate Iron players?

Poll Question #8

If the Tackle Box is added to the game, should it also be made available to Ultimate Iron players?

Spirit Angler's Outfit Style

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (18)
A WIP image of the Spirit Angler's outfit.

Pieces of the Angler's outfit, along with a large amount of Spirit Bait, can be given to an NPC to transform it into a Spirit Angler's outfit piece for the same slot. This is an alternative style for the Angler's outfit, and has the same stats and Fishing XP bonus. It can be converted back to the standard Angler's style for free by speaking to the same NPC.

Players fortunate enough to have gathered the full Spirit Angler's outfit will find it proves quite useful in your future endeavours with Tempoross. Wearing the full outfit will function as a rope when tethering to masts and totem poles. This saves you an inventory slot and ensures you don't lose your rope when the waves hit.

Poll Question #9

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players be able to obtain the Spirit Angler's outfit as a reward after the encounter by combining an item earned from the boss with pieces of the standard Angler's outfit? It would have the same stats and Fishing XP bonus as the standard Angler's outfit. You would be able to get another Angler's outfit from existing sources if desired.

Harpoonfish Trophy

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (19)
A WIP image of the Harpoonfish Trophy.

While fishing in the pools of debris, you may by chance happen upon a rather spectacular aquatic specimen. A fish so fine that it would be worthy of stuffing and mounting onto a wooden board to be displayed in your Player Owned House, showcasing your fishing prowess.

The Fish Trophy is untradeable and would be a rare reward.

Poll Question #10

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players have a chance to obtain an untradeable Harpoonfish Trophy as a reward after the encounter? The Harpoonfish Trophy can be mounted in a Player Owned House to showcase your Fishing prowess.

Tome of Water and Soaked Pages

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (20)
A WIP image of the Tome of Water and Soaked Pages.

Requiring level 50 Magic to equip, the Tome of Water is a new offhand magic item similar to Tome of Fire, but for water spells. Water spells are weak compared to the fire alternatives, so the goal of this item is less about raw damage and more about utility. With the increased effectiveness of Curse and Binding spells when wielding the Tome of Water, we want it to feel reasonably reliable and not like you wasted an item switch.

By adding Soaked Pages to the Tome of Water, the tome will become charged. The effects while wielding the charged tome are as follows:

  • Unlimited Water Runes
  • Standard Spellbook Water, Curse and Binding spell accuracy is increased by 20%
  • Standard Spellbook Curse effects are increased by 50% (e.g. the 10% defense reduction from Vulnerability would become 15%)
  • Standard Spellbook Binding effects are increased by 30% (e.g. the 14.4 second root from Entangle would become 19 seconds). This would also stack with the effects of the Swampbark armour set (e.g. the 14.4 second root from Entangle would become 23 seconds)
  • Standard Spellbook Water spell damage is increased by 20%
  • Ancient Magicks Ice spell accuracy is increased by 20%

Water combat spells, Weakening and Binding spells will consume one charge. Using the Tome of Water with Ancient Magicks will provide unlimited Water Runes and if used with Ice spells would consume one charge for each spell cast.

The uncharged Tome of Water and the Soaked Pages will be tradeable, whereas the charged Tome of Water will be untradeable. The Tome of Water is a rare reward whilst the Soaked Pages are somewhat uncommon. It will be possible to exchange a Tome of Water for 50 Soaked Pages, should you find yourself having too many tomes and not enough pages.

Let us know what you think about the Tome of Water and its effects by replying to one of the dedicated feedback areas at the bottom of this blog!

Poll Question #11

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players have a chance to obtain a tradeable Tome of Water and Soaked Pages as a reward after the encounter? When wielded, the charged Tome of Water would count as unlimited Water Runes and increase accuracy of Standard Spellbook Water, Weakening and Binding spells. The charged Tome of Water is untradeable.

Poll Question #12

If the Tome of Water is added to the game, should the charged version provide an increase the duration of Binding Spells from the Standard Spellbook? This would affect Bind, Snare and Entangle. This would stack with the effects of Swampbark armour.

Poll Question #13

If the Tome of Water is added to the game, should the charged version provide a 20% damage increase to Standard Spellbook Water spells in addition to the other effects on offer?

Poll Question #14

If the Tome of Water is added to the game, should the charged version provide a 20% accuracy increase to Ancient Magicks Ice spells in addition to the other effects on offer?

Tempoross Pet & Heron Pet Recolour

If Tempoross passes the polls, players will have a very rare chance of obtaining a unique pet as a potential reward. We're opting for the very fitting name of 'Tiny Tempor', which is a scaled down version of Tempoross himself. It will not be possible to obtain the Heron pet from Tempoross - it will be an exclusive reward from traditional Fishing methods instead.

We've seen players ask for a transmog of the Heron pet as a potential reward. As Tempoross does not have a chance at providing players with the Heron pet, we felt it'd be out of place to offer one with Tempoross, which is why we'd like to instead offer the ability to recolour the Heron pet by using Spirit Flakes. We feel that trying to match the Great Blue Heron found in the real world is a perfect fit given the concept art for Spirit Flakes. Did you have a different colour in mind? Let us know! You'd be able to return the Heron back to its normal self by using raw fish on it.

Poll Question #15

If Tempoross and Spirit Flakes are added to the game, should players have the ability to recolour the Heron pet by using Spirit Flakes on it? You'd be able to return the Heron back to its normal self by using raw fish on it.

Dragon Harpoon

Wyrms were introduced with the release of the Kebos Lowlands. This saw the Dragon Harpoon removed as a reward from the Chambers of Xeric and instead added to their drop table. This meant any accounts that focused entirely on skilling were blocked from receiving the Dragon Harpoon if they weren't lucky enough to get it from the Chambers before the change.

We'd like to offer the Dragon Harpoon as a potential very rare reward from Tempoross, making the item available to skilling focused accounts as it once was.

Poll Question #16

If Tempoross is added to the game, should players have a very rare chance to obtain the Dragon Harpoon as a reward after the encounter?

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (21)

Tempoross Challenge Mode

Since we released the blog, many of you have asked for a harder version of Tempoross aimed at higher level players. We can definitely see the appeal for a higher level skilling challenge, and it's got us thinking!

Our main consideration at the moment is if a higher skilled challenge just being added to Tempoross is the right thing to do, or if we should instead focus on an entirely new piece of content that is designed specifically aimed at higher levels from the start.

As this won't impact the current Tempoross design, we'll still go ahead with the polls as planned but we'd love to hear what ideas you might have!

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (22)

Fishing Trawler Improvements

When we first announced the Fishing Skill Boss, you were very clear that instead of focusing on new fishing changes, you wanted to see quality of life changes to existing Fishing content like the Fishing Trawler activity. So that's what we're offering right now!

There was no shortage of player suggestions, ranging from small tweaks to massive overhauls. We're focusing on making the activity more rewarding while streamlining the gameplay to make it less monotonous. We hope you like what you see!

Poll Question #17

Should a timer be added to the Fishing Trawler minigame that tells players when the next trawl is going to start? NPC's on and around the boat will shout the timer, making sure it is visible for anyone on the boat or standing at the bank chest to see.

Poll Question #18

Should the activity meter within the Fishing Trawler minigame be replaced by a contribution meter instead? Your contribution meter would not deplete over time, but you will have to contribute a certain amount in order to be eligible for rewards. A message will be displayed in-game when you have reached enough contribution to earn rewards.

Poll Question #19

If the contribution meter is added to the Fishing Trawler minigame, should the amount of fish players receive from the Fishing Trawler minigame be increased based on your contribution amount? Ending the trawl with full contribution would provide up to 50% more fish.

Poll Question #20

If the contribution meter is added to the Fishing Trawler minigame, should the chance players have of receiving the Heron pet be increased based on your contribution amount? This would scale from a 0% chance at no contribution, to double the current chance if you are at full contribution when the trawl ends.

Poll Question #21

Should the amount of experience players receive for completing the Fishing Trawler minigame be increased by 50% for each fish obtained at the end of a trawl?

Poll Question #22

Should repairing the nets during the Fishing Trawler minigame reward players with a small amount of Crafting experience? Each net repaired would provide approximately 5 Crafting experience.

Poll Question #23

Should filling the holes during the Fishing Trawler minigame reward players with a small amount of Construction experience? Each hole filled would provide approximately 5 Construction experience.

Poll Question #24

Should the time it takes to complete a game of Fishing Trawler be reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes? The wait time between each trawl would remain at two minutes. If this question passes, the rate of obtaining the Angler's Outfit would be changed from 1/8 to 1/12 to reflect the shorter game times.

Currently the Fishing Trawler minigame is rather tedious, and there's not much variety in what you can do to contribute to a more successful trawl. We've seen plenty of suggestions on how to make the minigame feel more engaging, and we'd like to share one of those with you.

There are many unknown dangers in the oceans, and being on the Fishing Trawler is as dangerous as any other ship exploring the vastness of the open seas. Whilst embarking on a trawl, your crew may face some rather unfortunate situations with tentacles. On occasion, the upper level of the Fishing Trawler will have Kraken tentacles spawn near the net and attack it! Players will have to use an axe to chop the tentacles away, but leaving a hole open presents the perfect opportunity for an eager tentacle to return - so make sure you fill any holes in with Swamp Paste! Failing to tackle the tentacles will cause the trawler nets to constantly rip, lowering the overall XP/fish received.

Chopping the tentacles and filling the holes would grant a large amount of contribution.

Poll Question #25

If the contribution meter is added to the Fishing Trawler minigame, should we add the ability for Kraken tentacles to spawn near the net and attack it? Players will need to chop back the tentacles using an axe and fill the holes left behind for a large amount of contribution. Failing to do this will result in a lower amount of fish received at the end of a trawl.

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (23)

We'd love to hear what you think about this newest iteration of the Fishing Skill Boss, so please share your feedback with us via our official forums, on the 2007Scape Reddit, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel.

We'd like to offer an in-game poll for the Fishing Skill Boss on December 9th.

Mods Acorn, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Banjo, Boko, Bonsai, Brow, Bruno, Curse, Daizong, Deagle, Ditto, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Flippy, Gayns, Gee, Halo, Husky, Impact, Jndr, John C, Kandosii, Kieren, Lenny, Lottie, Lyric, Mack, Maylea, MikeD, Morty, Nasty, Nin, Oasis, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Squid, Steve W, Sween, Tide, Vegard, & West

The Old School Team

Fishing Skill Boss: Tempoross Poll Blog (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.