Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey — Romance Guide (15 Options) - Game Gavel (2024)

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is a pretty good game. You can kill boatloads of people in a variety of imaginative ways, climb all over historical monuments, and (if you’re completely insane) even fistfight sharks.

Should you ever get tired of being an action hero, you can search for love a one night stand with one of fifteen different NPCs (or all of them, you do you). In this guide, we’ll tell you who they are, where to find them, and how to talk them out of their togas.

Don’t Expect a Long-Term Relationship

In the original Mass Effect trilogy, the romantic relationships you can build are somewhat substantive, but in this game, they’re little more than flings that have no real impact on the story. Heck, in most cases, neither of you will ever even acknowledge your implied night of passion after it happens. (It must have been pretty awkward.)

With the exception of the Neema/Natakas “option” (which is actually mandatory) at the end of the Legacy of the First Blade DLC, all of the romanceable characters are conveniently bisexual, so you can get any of them in the sack whether you’re playing as Kassandra or Alexios.

#1 Odessa

You’ll find Odessa (who claims to be the legendary Odysseus’s granddaughter, if we recall correctly) in need of rescuing at Odysseus’s Palace in Ithaka. She’s reasonably stealthy, so you don’t necessarily have to kill all the bandits in the area if you don’t want to—you could just release her and sneak back down to the shoreline.

During this first meeting, it doesn’t matter what you say to her. You’ll meet her two more times before you can get her clothes off, and you don’t have to start being nice to her until the second encounter.

Give Odessa a day or two to get back home after you rescue her, then go see her at a small farm east of Megara in the Valley of King Lelex. She’ll give you the side quest “Family Ordeal” and ask you to collect some medicine for her ailing father. When you return with the goods, bandits will be attacking her farm. Slay them all, then flirt with her a bit.

Finally, she’ll give you one more side quest, “A True Story.” Go search the Leader House in Megara and bring what you find back to her. Flirt once more to seal the deal.

#2 Alkibiades

Alkibiades—clearly meant to be an ancient Greek version of Oscar Wilde—is easily the most obnoxious of the romanceable NPCs, and yet we can’t help but like him. (Kind of. Sometimes.)

During the main storyline, you’ll cross paths with Alkibiades during the mission “Oil and Love” at Perikles’s house in Athens. It’s pretty obvious what he wants a gallon of oil for, and if you go fetch it for him, he’ll invite you to his, uh, private party. Accept the invite and you’ll be able to spend several more adventurous nights with Alkibiades throughout the rest of the game.

#3 Lykaon

Lykaon is a well-groomed, well-spoken doctor—how could you not want to let him “examine” you? You’ll first encounter him in the Sacred Lands of Apollo in Phokis, at which time he’ll give you the quest “Helping a Healer.” He’ll ask you to find some mandrake root and deliver it to a few of his patients around town, and if you want his mandrake root, you’d best comply.

Once you complete the deliveries, Lykaon will ask you to escort him to his grandma’s house so he can check up on her. Tag along and flirt with him to pass the time. When you arrive, you’ll find a bunch of bandits attacking the poor old lady. Dispatch them, then keep flirting with Lykaon to win him over. After all, nothing gets a man’s motor purring like watching his new bf/gf ruthlessly slaughter a dozen brigands.

#4 Daphnae

This is, without question, the most work you’ll have to do to get laid in this game. Daphnae hangs out at the Temple of Artemis in the Sacred Lands of Apollo, so swing by and see what she wants.

It turns out that she wants a ton of crap. First and foremost, she asks you to kill a legendary boar that just so happens to be the most annoying boss in the entire game. (Yes, even worse than the Cyclops, the Minotaur, or Medusa.) Be prepared to kite the stupid thing around for a solid half-hour before it finally dies.

Once that nightmare is wrapped up, there are still more jobs to do for Daphnae, but they’re all much easier. She’ll ask you to kill seven more legendary animals, the strongest of which is level 39—so make sure you’re at least level 35 or so before you take that one on. Once you’ve brought Daphnae the pelts from all eight beasts (and taken every available opportunity to flirt with her), you’ll finally get to see the huntress’s wild side.

#5 Aikaterine

During chapter 8 of the main quest, you’ll receive a quest called “An Actor’s Life for Me” in Athens. Aristophanes, a thespian and theater owner, is just days from premiering his new play, but his lead actor has gone missing. Head to Thespis’s house and look around for clues that will ultimately lead you to the tavern down the road.

There, you’ll find Thespis—but two soldiers are holding him hostage and forcing him to stay wasted 24/7. (There is a reason for this. Not a good one, but it is a reason.) To free Thespis, you’ll have to either bribe the soldiers or kill them.

Once the quest is completed, head to the House of Aphrodite to find Aikaterine lounging on a blanket like a cat. She’ll ask you to kill a man who’s been threatening her. Agree, and the quest “A-musing Tale” will begin.

Your target is a cultist, so be prepared for heavy resistance. Once you’ve taken him out, return to Aikaterine to have thesbian sex with her, provided you’re playing as Kassandra. (Or just regular sex if you’re Alexios.)

Yes, that pun was awful. No, we’re not sorry.

#6 Auxesia

Maybe all these young wildcats aren’t your thing. Maybe you’re on the hunt for a real cougar—a woman with experience. Auxesia is like four hundred years old, so she certainly fits the bill.

To seek out the charms of a woman twelve times your age, head to the Temple of Apollo on the Grand Mount Parnassos in Phokis. Apparently, Auxesia’s husband doesn’t perform his marital duties anymore, and she wants your help collecting ingredients for a potion to give him, uh, stamina.

You could go risk your life hunting for potion ingredients. . . or you could simply offer to satisfy her needs yourself. (Her husband won’t even mind. He seems relieved, actually.)

#7 Thaletas & Kyra

During the main story, Barnabas will give you a quest called “Trouble in Paradise” which will introduce you to Thaletas and Kyra, both of whom are romanceable. In Mykonos, you’ll have to find a rebel group’s hideout, which is in a cave under the city. There, Kyra will ask you to help her kill some Athenians on the beach, where you’ll also meet Thaletas.

When you return to the cave afterward, Thaletas and Kyra will propose two different plans and you’ll have to side with one of them. Not only will this choice affect the next several quests in the chain, but it will also determine which of them you’ll get to hop in bed with.

Siding with Kyra will mean that only she is romanceable, but going with Thaletas’s plan actually makes it possible to sleep with both of them. In either case, simply complete each quest that Thaletas or Kyra give you and flirt with them at every available opportunity. At the end of the quest chain, one (or both) of them will show their amorous appreciation.

#8 Zopheras

In the Temple of Athena in Sparta, a frustrated Spartan mother will recognize your martial prowess and ask you to train her daughter.

Head down the hill to find Zopheras and let her know that it’s time to get to work. She’s reluctant to start with running, but choose the flirt option to let her know that you’re open to a different kind of cardio training later and she’ll become more receptive. After the foot race, move on to horse racing and continue to flirt whenever the option presents itself.

After the horse race, Zophera will lead you to a picturesque hilltop and reward you for your services.

#9 Roxana

Just west of Hermit’s Summit in Hydrea, you’ll find Roxana training for a 100-man free-for-all battle to the death. If you’d like to help her train for this statistically suicidal challenge, start by helping her practice her archery skills and choose the flirt option when it first appears.

After you kill some wolves on a volcano in what might be the most metal first date of all time, keep laying on the charm and accept Roxana’s second challenge, a foot race to the top of a nearby hill. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose—flirt one last time and you’re in.

If you’d like, you can meet up with Roxana to participate in the battle afterward, but the romance portion of the quest is over either way.

#10 Mikkos

Mikkos is like Alkibiades in the sense that he’s a reckless party animal, but he’s not as fun and looks like he doesn’t bathe as often. If you still want to do it with him, we’ll tell you how.

On Lemnos, in the Hephaistos Islands, look around for the side quest “Tough Love.” Some guy named Neelus (a relative of Barnabas) is sick, so go to his house to check on him. You’ll find Mikkos there. During the conversation, when you can say either “Neelus needs tough love” or “try a gentler approach,” be sure to choose the latter.

As is the case with most other romanceable NPCs, be sure to flirt with Mikkos at every opportunity throughout the series of quests you’ll do with him, which are: “Doctor’s Pet,” “School of Hard Knocks,” “Indulging Just a Little,” and “Retribution.”

During “Indulging Just a Little,” be sure to talk to Mikkos during the party. He’s not marked as a quest objective, so this step can be easy to miss, but it’s essential if you want to romance him. Depending on which of several flirtation options you choose, you can sleep with Mikkos, his new friends, or all of them at once.

After completing “Retribution,” Mikkos and Neelus will both be alive only if you suggested a gentle approach at the beginning of the questline. Assuming you did, you can romance Mikkos once more.

#11 Diona

After you’ve completed the quest “Athens’s Last Hope,” a priestess named Diona will appear at the Shrine of Fates in Skandeia Bay on Kythera Island. She’ll give you a quest called “I, Diona,” which is one of the most interesting in the game.

The priestess asks you to investigate rumors of a Kosmos cultist who may or may not be secretly doing nefarious stuff all over town. Follow the trail and you’ll likely be confused once you eavesdrop on the suspected cultist and discover that it’s Diona herself—or is it?

It turns out that Diona has a twin sister, so of course, you’ll have to do the classic “which twin is the evil one?” thing in the near future. If you’ve listened and observed carefully throughout your investigation, you should have enough information to work out which sister is the cultist. (If you’re still stuck, it’s the one on the right.)

Note that the only opportunity to romance Diona (who is actually a Kosmos cultist) comes before you’re forced to choose between them. Diona dies at the end of this quest chain, regardless of whether you correctly identify her or not.

#12 Kosta, The Gross Blacksmith

To be honest, we weren’t sure that the blacksmith (who initially didn’t even have a name) belongs on this list, but you can let him stoke your forge, so we suppose it counts.

In the town of Opous, which is in the Red Lake Bay region of Lokris, a bright young lad named Supideo has locked himself in a cage in an effort to stop himself from killing his father. (No, it doesn’t really make any more sense once you hear the full story.)

He’ll ask you to retrieve his sword from the local blacksmith. . . who won’t give it to you unless you have sex with him. (Okay, there is another way to complete this quest, but it’s less gross, less stupid, and less baffling—in other words, less interesting.)

Once you’ve hammered the blacksmith’s steel, add him to your list of sexual conquests and then take some time to reflect on what you’re doing with your life.

#13 Xenia

Romancing Xenia is almost as much of a pain as romancing Daphnae, but not quite. When you first meet her during the quest “A Pirate’s Life for Me,” she’ll give you a cryptic treasure map and tell you to report back to her once you’ve found the buried booty. Once you’ve done that, she’ll give you a new map, and then several more after that.

Tracking down all the secret treasures takes some time, but there’s no special trick to romancing the queen of pirates. Just flirt with her every time the option presents itself and you’ll win her over after turning in the last hidden treasure.

Warning – Major Story Spoilers Ahead!

#14 Aspasia

Okay, this is just weird. Aspasia is the true final boss of the game, the leader of the Cult of Kosmos, the woman responsible for ending scores of innocent lives, wrecking hundreds more (including yours), and casting the entire Greek world into chaos. Yet, for some reason, you can suddenly and randomly decide that you’re cool with all of that and make out with her.

The nonsensical nature of this “romance” is truly jarring. During the final confrontation where you’re supposed to kill her, a flirtatious dialogue option appears out of nowhere and. . . well, it just goes completely off the rails from there. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

#15 Neema/Natakas

Technically, the “romance” choice at the end of the game’s Legacy of the First Blade DLC isn’t a choice at all, although you do have some choice in how you want to approach it. If you’re playing as Alexios, you’ll be hooking up with Neema, whereas Kassandra will get together with Natakas. You can decide whether to emotionally invest in a presumably long-term romantic relationship or to simply make a baby to continue your bloodline, but either way, you’ll be having a kid.

Yes, the game forces a heterosexual relationship on you. Yes, there was a huge stink about it and tons of people got offended. Yes, it was dumb. It’s a video game. People need to relax.


There you have it—a roadmap to everyone in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey that you (or rather, your character) can see naked. Who’s your favorite? Let us know in the comments—and be sure to check out our guide to every significant choice in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, too.

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey — Romance Guide (15 Options) - Game Gavel (2024)


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